FY47 - FuturEnergy

Líder renovable en México Ingeteam se ha consolidado como líder indiscutible en el sector renovable mexicano, tanto eólico como fotovoltaico. Ingeteam es la primera empresa del país en prestación de servicios de operación y mantenimiento con casi 2 GW de potencia eólica mantenida, lo que supone ser responsable del mantenimiento del 49% de la potencia total instalada en México y la número uno en suministro de equipos de electrónica de potencia con casi 2 GW. La empresa, presente en el país azteca desde 1998, gestiona más de la mitad de la potencia solar que hay en el país. Las tres plantas fotovoltaicas más grandes de México, ubicadas en Durango y baja California, llevan tecnología Ingeteam, a través de sus inversores fotovoltaicos. En el último año, este liderazgo se ha consolidado gracias a importantes contratos como el de la planta fotovoltaica de Camargo. Además, dispone de referencias destacables en sistemas PCYM de subestaciones elevadoras de parques eólicos y plantas fotovoltaicos y de maniobras de CFE, que han permitido a Ingeteam alcanzar más de 2.000 MW contratados y automatizadas hasta la fecha. Apuesta por la I+D+I Ingeteam se ha consolidado como una empresa líder en el sector de las energías renovables apoyando su estrategia fundamentalmente en dos pilares. Renewable leader in Mexico Ingeteam has consolidated its position as the indisputable leader in the Mexican renewables sector, in both wind and PV power. Ingeteam is the first company in the country to provide O&M services with almost 2 GW of wind power capacity maintained, meaning that it is responsible for the maintenance of 49% of the total installed capacity in Mexico and is the leading company in the supply of electronic capacity equipment with almost 2 GW. The company has been present in the country since 1998, managing over half of all existing solar output inMexico. The three largest PV plants inMexico, located in Durango and Baja California, incorporate Ingeteam technology in the formof PV inverters. In the past year, this leadership has consolidated thanks to significant contracts such as the Camargo PV plant. Ingeteam has also achieved notable references in PCM systems for wind farm and PV plant booster substations and CFE (Federal Electricity Commission) field work. These have allowed Ingeteam to achieve more than 2,000 MW contracted and automated to date. Committed to R&D+i Ingeteam has consolidated as a leading company in the renewable energy sector, essentially basing its strategy on two pillars. Firstly, it undertakes a high level of investment in R&D+i offering increasingly competitive, better quality and less expensive equipment. The results of this strategy have materialised in a high penetration of installed capacity in the country. Secondly, in the wind power sector, the company has over 1.6 GW installed in converters, representing more than 60% of the country’s total installed capacity. In terms of PV power, Ingeteam is the inverter manufacturer with the largest installed capacity, given that currently every plant in Mexico with an installed capacity of more than 5 MW, bar one, has been connected using its equipment, amounting to over 100 MW to date. Another key value which guides the INGETEAM CONSIGUE NUEVOS CONTRATOS DE O&M FOTOVOLTAICOS Y CONSOLIDA SU LIDERAZGO EN MÉXICO Ingeteam participa un año más en México WindPower 2018, la cita más destacada del sector eólico en México, donde presentará sus últimos avances en mantenimiento predictivo a través de su plataforma de análisis de datos Ingeboards y sus soluciones de compensación de energía reactiva, competitivas y adaptadas para el cumplimiento del exigente código de red en México, y sistemas PCyM para protección, control y medida de subestaciones elevadoras de instalaciones renovables y de maniobras de CFE. Además, pondrá a disposición de los visitantes sus novedades en sistemas de almacenamiento de energía y soluciones SCADA. INGETEAMWINS NEW CONTRACTS FOR PV O&M AND CONSOLIDATES ITS LEADERSHIP IN MEXICO Ingeteam is once again taking part in this year’s edition of MexicoWindPower 2018, the most prominent wind power sector event in Mexico, where it will showcase the company’s the latest advances in predictive maintenance with its Ingeboards data analysis platform and competitive reactive energy compensation solutions, adapted to comply with Mexico’s demanding network code as well as PCM systems to protect, control and measure renewable installation booster substations and CFE field work. Visitors will also be able to see the company’s innovations in energy storage systems and SCADA solutions. Ingeteam Stand 414 Eólica. Empresas | Wind Power. Companies FuturEnergy | Febrero February 2018 www.futurenergyweb.es 33