FY43 - FuturEnergy

Desde 2012 Evectra ha adquirido una gran experiencia en todo el sector de la movilidad eléctrica, lo que le proporciona solvencia técnica y económica para trabajar con administraciones públicas (ayuntamientos de Madrid y Barcelona, etc.), y empresas privadas (Abertis y Tesla , etc.). Para ayuntamientos y otras administraciones públicas, Evectra realiza programas para el desarrollo de la movilidad eléctrica, que consisten en definir unos ejes estratégicos que incentiven e impulsen este tipo de movilidad (infraestructura de recarga, marco normativo, promoción económica, flotas de vehículos, etc.) que originan unas acciones a realizar por parte de la administración, asociadas a una planificación temporal y de inversión económica, todo ello cuantificado y valorado mediante indicadores que se van recopilando. Esto hace que Evectra tenga muy bien acotados los casos de éxito y pueda replicarlos en proyectos a medida para otras ciudades y territorios de ámbito nacional e internacional, incluso ayudando a sus clientes en la consecución de subvenciones y financiación europea mediante la participación en consorcios con otros ayuntamientos y empresas. Para Barcelona, Evectra ha realizado proyectos estratégicos entre los que se incluyen: proyectos de ingeniería para las infraestructuras de recarga de las motocicletas de la Guardia Urbana, los cinco autobuses 100% eléctricos del transporte metropolitano y más de 300 puntos de recarga en aparcamientos municipales. Respecto a la gestión de infraestructuras de recarga públicas o privadas, actualmente es muy importante que estos servicios los realice Since 2012, Evectra has built up extensive experience throughout the e-mobility sector, which has furnished the company with the technical and economic solvency to work with public administrations, including the Madrid and Barcelona city halls and private companies such as Abertis and Tesla. For city halls and other public entities, Evectra undertakes programmes aimed to develop e-mobility. These comprise defining strategic bases to incentivise and promote this type of mobility (charging infrastructure, regulatory framework, economic promotion, vehicle fleets, etc.), which result in actions to be implemented by the administration. These are linked to time planning and economic investment, quantified and assessed by means of indicators that are compiled over time. The company’s success stories are, as a result, very well defined, which allows them to be replicated through customised projects for other cities and regions both at home and abroad. It also helps its clients obtain European subsidies and financing by taking part in consortia with other city halls and businesses. In Barcelona, Evectra has undertaken strategic projects that include engineering projects for the e-motorbike charging infrastructures for the city’s Police Force, the five 100% electric buses on the metropolitan transport network and over 300 charging points in municipal car parks. Regarding the management of public or private charging infrastructures, it is vital that this service is performed by a charge management company as these entities offer the resources inherent to the provision of these services. Evectra helps public administrations contract this type of companies as well as with the control and monitoring of the service. These charge management companies depend on Evectra’s support for their engineering departments when the time comes to implement charging infrastructures projects, obtaining legalisation and commissioning. Evectra also provides a data analysis service including usage data on the equipment and consumption figures to understand and obtain sufficient information on the operation of the network. This allows new projects to be properly sized as well as supporting control and monitoring platforms for managing users. The engineering department at Evectra benefits from engineers who are specialists in both e-mobility and industrial installations (electronics, electricity, automation, remote control, etc.), implementing projects to develop installations in line with the infrastructures proposed, while considering every existing technical factor and regulation. INGENIERÍA ESPECIALISTA EN PROYECTOS APLICADOS A LA MOVILIDAD ELÉCTRICA Evectra Mobility Services S.L es una empresa del grupo IM3 Corporation especializada en proyectos de movilidad eléctrica, que proporciona soluciones adaptadas a las necesidades de la administración pública, empresas y particulares, para la implantación del vehículo eléctrico, llevando a cabo la realización de proyectos y la instalación de equipos y/o terminales de recarga. Evectra dispone de un equipo técnico especializado que trabaja en un gran número de contratos nacionales, así como en distintos proyectos europeos e internacionales. SPECIALIST ENGINEERING FOR E-MOBILITY PROJECTS Evectra Mobility Services S.L. is an IM3 Corporation group company specialising in e-mobility projects. It offers solutions adapted to the needs of the public administration, businesses and private individuals for the deployment of the electric vehicle, undertaking project development and the installation of charging equipment and/or terminals. Evectra offers a specialist technical team that is working on a large number of national contracts as well as on several international and European projects. FuturEnergy | Septiembre September 2017 www.futurenergyweb.es 99 Movilidad Eléctrica. Empresas | E-Mobility. Companies Proyecto EPC de Ingeniería “Tesla Supercharger” ubicado en el PGA Cataluña Resort (España). | Tesla Supercharger EPC engineering project at the PGA Cataluña Resort (Spain)