El Gas Natural y sus Aplicaciones | Natural Gas and its Applications FuturEnergy | Mayo May 2017 www.futurenergyweb.es 31 Con la interconexión nuestro hub, MibGas, sería menos dependiente del gas argelino y, si además este gas se distribuye entre los pequeños y medianos comercializadores, supondría una garantía para tener un mercado más europeo, que ahora no lo es. De aquí la necesidad de hacer realidad la conexión. MibGas con más liquidez y peajes más armonizados Para conseguir un gas competitivo es fundamental incrementar la liquidez del mercado ibérico MibGas y que este sea garantía de transparencia. Posiblemente tardaremos en ver nuestro mercado con el nivel de liquidez deseada, pero la industria -que consume el 60%del gas- puede y debe apostar ya por MibGas. Necesitamos que el hub siga evolucionando, que entre gas en cantidad, que acudan ofertantes y demandantes, compradores y vendedores que muevan el mercado y que se oferten productos adecuados a la industria. Y nuestra tercera pesadilla son los peajes. Precisamos buscar fórmulas para bajarlos. Debemos entre todos encontrar la narrativa, el modo, la imaginación y los medios. Creemos que los peajes son como los impuestos. Cuando se baja el IRPF, Hacienda recauda más. Además, es otro modo seguro de relanzar la industria y de hacerla competitiva. En conclusión, la globalización ha entrado en otra nueva etapa en la que los países se van a re-industrializar. Para esto, tenemos las bases pero necesitamos una energía competitiva. El gas va a seguir siendo una pata fundamental e indispensable de esta energía durante años. Gobierno, instituciones e industriales debemos aunar esfuerzos para que nuestra industria –motor evidente de nuestra economía- se sitúe al mismo nivel que nuestros competidores europeos. La industria es la prioridad y su competitividad la garantía que impulsará a la economía nacional, pero para ello debemos contar con un gas industrial competitivo. Queremos y debemos reindustrializarnos y aumentar el PIB manufacturero industrial, eso conllevará tener empleo estable y de calidad, más riqueza y bienestar social. Pero para ello hay que ofrecer a las empresas un gas competitivo en igualdad de condiciones con sus vecinos europeos. being prepared by Poyry on the advantages of the connection, to be finalised before the summer, will be the twelfth and last. If positive, as in the case of the others, DG Energy will oblige French and Spanish transmission companies to invest without further ado. Apparently, the report has been concluded, but not delivered.With the new government in France we hope that the issue will return to the agenda and be fasttracked. The Energy Union must also be a reality for Spain as the country’s industrial companies are losing a lot of money due to the lack of interconnections. By connecting MibGas to our hub, Spain will be less dependent on Algerian gas. If, in addition, this gas is distributed to small and medium sized retailers, it will guarantee a more European market, which is not currently the case. Hence the need to make this connection a reality. More liquidity for MibGas and more harmonised tolls To achieve a competitive gas it is essential that the liquidity of the Iberian MibGas market is improved and that this guarantees transparency. It will likely take time to see the desired level of liquidity in Spain’s market, however industry, that consumes 60% of the gas, can and must support MibGas. We need the hub to continue evolving, so that it receives gas in volume, so that it attracts providers and customers, buyers and sellers who will shake up the market and offer products suitable for industry. And our third nightmare is tolls: we need formulae to bring them down.We have to work together to find the narrative, the format, the imagination and the means.We believe that tolls are rather like taxes.When Income Tax is reduced, the Tax Office collects more tax. Furthermore, it is another sure-fire way to reboot industry and make it competitive. In conclusion, globalisation has entered another new phase in which countries are reindustrialising. For this we have the bases in place but lack competitive energy. Gas will continue to be a fundamental and indispensable component of this energy landscape for years. Government, institutions and industrial companies all have to join forces so that our industry - the obvious driver of our economy - can position itself alongside our European competitors. Industry is a priority and its competitiveness the guarantee that will stimulate the national economy, but for this we need to have competitive industrial gas. Reindustrialisation has to be our goal together with increased industrial manufacturing GDP, as this will result in stable and quality employment, more wealth and social well-being. However, for this to happen, Spanish companies have to be offered competitive gas on the same terms as our European neighbours. Juan Vila Presidente de GasINDUSTRIAL President of GasINDUSTRIAL El diferencial entre MIBGAS y la media hubs/ europeos se mantiene en los 2 €/MWh | Differential between MibGas and the hub/European average remains at 2 €/MWh