FY39 - FuturEnergy

FuturEnergy | Abril April 2017 Eólica | Wind Power www.futurenergyweb.es 41 ción se debería analizar no solo de forma automática, al menos en aquellos elementos que presenten indicios de divergencia, y comparando las diferentes fuentes de información para identificar la relevancia de las diferentes anomalías en todos los aerogeneradores y en el parque eólico en su conjunto. Esta información se puede sistematizar para establecer sobre que sistemas intervenir antes, en función de la pérdida económica y de la aportación a la indisponibilidad de cada causa de parada. Esta información refleja y categoriza todos los incidentes y eventos diferentes, incluyendo también aquellos que sólo tienen un impacto parcial en la disponibilidad. Este tipo de análisis puede considerarse como el terreno para la decisión de las prioridades en la planificación de actividades futuras. Además, es posible comprobar cómo se están resolviendo los problemas por medio de un análisis minucioso de esta información. One of these is the power curve, which is very relevant. Low power curve performance is not taken into account in the time-based availability, despite involving a loss of production that could potentially be part of a claim. The importance of information in wind farm operation In principle, all the information required for the performance analysis can be obtained solely and directly from the SCADA system, but the reliability of this information has to be analysed. However, different sources of information can even provide completely opposite results. The information sources usually used to assess availability are the SCADA meters, the alarms records and work orders for the maintenance tasks performed at the installation. These sources complement each other and can correct the proper allocation of the downtime. However, if only one source is used, the result will be different and not fully representative of the actual availability. The operation of wind farms must focus on achieving the maximum energy availability, which is why regular performance reports are drawn up. In these reports, the information should not only be automatically analysed, at least those elements that display signs of divergence, comparing the different sources of information to identify the importance of the different anomalies in every wind turbine and for the wind farm as a whole. This information can be systematised to establish which systems intervene early, depending on the economic loss and the contribution made by each cause of the stoppage to the unavailability. This information reflects and categorises every different incident and event, including those that only have a partial impact on availability. This type of analysis could be seen as a basis on which to take decisions on priorities when planning future activities. Moreover, a thorough analysis of this information makes it possible to check how problems are being resolved. Indisponibilidad AG Alarma Nº repeticiones Tiempo (h) Duración media (h) asociada a la alarma (%) MWh Perdidos Pérdida económica (e) WTG Alarm No. repetitions Time Average duration Unavailability associated Lost Economic loss with the alarm 1 Error BUS 229 460.27 2.01 0.711 1198.809 65208.62 BUS error 1 Disparo interno celda MT 12 286.29 23.86 0.442 605.310 48424.81 Internal MV switchgear trip 1 Nivel depósito aceitemultiplicadora por debajo 525 327.36 0.62 0.506 418.195 17618.56 Low oil gearbox sump level 1 Disparo celda MT | MV switchgear trip 13 176.64 13.59 0.273 376.284 16369.27 1 Baja presión del grupo hidráulico Low pressure hydraulic group 7 38.19 5.46 0.059 167.428 13394.25 2 Fallo pitch | Pitch failure 9 268.50 29.83 0.415 936.514 74921.13 2 Actividades pendientes de los mantenimientos preventivos Pending maintenance tasks 51 417.12 8.18 0.645 658.314 30460.67 2 Nivel aceite crítico | Critical oil level 5 32.39 6.48 0.050 105.395 8431.62 2 Palas | Blades 20 177.43 8.87 0.054 174.666 7358.69 2 Alta desalineación entre góndola y viento 57 68.28 1.20 0.106 88.743 5773.83 High misalignment between nacelle and wind 3 Alarma temperatura rodamiento 19 258.48 13.60 0.399 529.707 42376.58 Bearing temperature alarm 3 Fallo II de varios motores de orientación 2nd failure of several orientation motors 60 124.16 2.07 0.192 322.759 16098.53 3 Software 37 90.27 2.44 0.140 149.676 6284.82 Tabla 2. Ejemplo de causas de parada por aerogenerador con pérdida económica. Table 2. Example of causes of wind turbine downtime with economic loss. Teresa Santonato Directora Técnica de EREDA Technical Director at EREDA