El gas natural es un componente determinante en los costes de las empresas industriales y, en consecuencia resulta un factor decisivo para su competitividad, afectando también de esta forma a la buena marcha de la economía nacional. Resulta evidente que para la industria española, la energía es un elemento diferenciador lamentablemente en contra, y por ello el Ejecutivo deberá hacer todo lo posible para que deje de serlo y que nuestra industria pueda competir en los mercados globales en las mismas condiciones que lo hacen nuestros vecinos europeos. GasINDUSTRIAL es la asociación que impulsa los intereses de todos los consumidores industriales de gas natural, para asegurar un suministro fiable y al precio más competitivo posible. Nuestros objetivos contemplan lograr peajes eficientes, regulaciones eficaces, fiabilidad y seguridad de suministro, libre competencia en el mercado y participación en los aspectos regulatorios y de planificación. Nuestra asociación, que integra ya unas setenta empresas de diversos tamaños y de todos los sectores de actividad, reitera la imperiosa necesitad para la industria española de contar con un gas competitivo respecto a Europa y denuncia que los costes del gas en nuestro país sigan suponiendo una clara desventaja para los industriales nacionales, algo que repercute negativamente en la actividad, las exportaciones y el empleo. España necesita una industria fuerte y competitiva que tire de la economía del país, genere riqueza y compita en los mercados globales, y todo ello no es posible sin un gas industrial competitivo. Los industriales españoles necesitamos un gas competitivo que impulse la reindustrialización de nuestro país y facilite el aumento de peso de nuestra industria en el Producto Interior Bruto. Y lo necesitamos ya, no podemos esperar. Por ello, alcanzar este objetivo debería ser algo fundamental y prioritario para el Gobierno que acabamos de estrenar hace apenas un mes, todo un reto para el próximo año 2017. La factura anual de gas de la industria, más de 3.500 ME Los industriales españoles hemos llegado a pagar por el gas con que fabricamos nuestros productos entre un 20% y un 25% más Natural gas is a determining factor for the costs of industrial companies and, as a result, has a decisive impact on their competitiveness as well as on the positive development of the domestic economy. Regrettably, this energy source creates a differential that clearly works against Spanish industry and as such, the Government needs to do everything possible to reverse this situation so that the country’s industry is able to compete in the global markets on the same terms as our European neighbours. GasINDUSTRIAL is the association that promotes the interests of every industrial consumer of natural gas to guarantee a reliable supply at the most competitive price possible. Our objectives aim to achieve efficient tolls, effective regulations, a reliable and secure supply, free competition in the market and participation in regulatory aspects and planning. Our association that brings together around seventy companies of differing sizes and from every sector of activity reiterates the overriding need for Spanish industry to be able to rely on competitive gas in relation to Europe.We also deplore the fact that the costs of gas in Spain continue to represent a clear disadvantage for our industry, with the resultant negative impact on activity, exports and employment. Spain needs a strong and competitive industry to drive her economy, generating wealth and competing in the global markets, and this will not be possible without competitive industrial gas. Spanish industries need gas to be competitive to stimulate the reindustrialisation of the country and help increase the weighting of our industry in our GDP. And we need it now. We cannot wait. The achievement of this objective should be a fundamental priority for our Government of barely a month in power, all of which sets a formidable challenge for 2017. Industry’s annual gas bill amounts to over 3.5 billion euros The gas used by Spanish industries to manufacture their products costs between 20% and 25% more than our European counterparts. Regulated costs alone in Spain are double those paid, for example by the French, three times those paid by the British and up to six times more than Germany for the same concept. This is clearly no basis for competition. Every year, Spanish industries pay a gas bill amounting to more than €3.5bn. More than 62% of all of domestic gas is consumed by industry. However, industrial gas consumption is regular, constant and on the increase and as such, is an essential component to maintain the national gas system. The gas paradigm is changing: in ten or twenty years’ time there will be an excess with Australia and the US breaking into the LNG market, with prices being linked to the hubs rather than to oil. In the north of Europe, new contracts signed are already JUGAR CON DESVENTAJA Juan Vila Presidente de GasINDUSTRIAL COMPETING AT A DISADVANTAGE Juan Vila Chairman of GasINDUSTRIAL FuturEnergy | Diciembre December 2016 www.futurenergyweb.es 39 A fondo: Análisis 2016 | In depth: 2016 Analysis