Una historia de éxito Existen empresas que llevan apostando desde hace años por el vehículo eléctrico y las ventajas que supone, tanto para los usuarios como para el medioambiente, en términos de economía y confort. Este es el caso de Efimob, empresa dedicada 100% al mundo del vehículo eléctrico, creada a partir de una pionera en el sector de la movilidad eléctrica en España, como lo fue Bluemobility, de la que Efimob tomó el relevo para, utilizando su propia tecnología, conocimientos y socios, posicionarse como un referente en movilidad eléctrica en el mercado español. Su equipo de trabajo, con más de seis años de experiencia dedicados exclusivamente a la movilidad eléctrica, propone soluciones tanto para empresas e instituciones, que se plantean integrar una flota de vehículos eléctricos o una red de recarga, como para empresas que desean dar una solución a sus clientes en el mundo de la electromovilidad. Efimob dio sus primeros pasos como empresa de servicios de ingeniería y venta de equipos de recarga, integrando progresivamente en su catálogo nuevas soluciones de movilidad eléctrica. Consciente del gran desconocimiento del sector, no sólo por el público general, sino por nuevas empresas que quieren acceder al mercado, su filosofía se basa en desarrollar las mejores soluciones, para poder ofrecer a sus socios un paquete completo con el que poder entrar con paso firme en un mercado ya de por sí difícil. Para ello brinda apoyo tanto tecnológico como de consultoría, de forma que puedan llevar sus proyectos a buen término. Actualmente, Efimob realiza proyectos completos de electromovilidad para clientes finales, tanto administraciones como empresas A success story There are companies that have been supporting the electric vehicle for years and the advantages that represents for both users and the environment, in terms of economy and comfort. This is the case of Efimob, a company 100% dedicated to the world of the electric vehicle, created from a pioneer in the e-mobility sector in Spain, Bluemobility, which was taken over by Efimob in order to position itself as a reference for e-mobility in the Spanish market by using its own technology, know-how and partners. With more than six years of experience dedicated exclusively to e-mobility, its team offers solutions to both companies and institutions that are looking to integrate a fleet of EVs or a charging network, as well working for companies that would like to find a solution for their clients in the world of e-mobility. Efimob started out providing engineering services and the sale of charging equipment, gradually incorporating new e-mobility solutions into its catalogue. Aware of the enormous lack of knowledge regarding the sector, not only by the general public but also by new companies that wanted to access the market, its philosophy has been based on developing the best solutions: offering its partners a complete package by means of which they can confidently enter an already complex market, in addition to technological and consultancy support to bring their projects to a successful conclusion. Today, Efimob undertakes entire e-mobility projects for endusers, both public administrations and private companies, in addition to the sale of charging equipment and other solutions. Its references include projects for shopping centres, city halls, companies of every type, from sectors that a priori have nothing to do with mobility to car dealerships. These include the creation and management of Spain’s first fast charging network, with seven 50 kW charging points and 30 fully monitored and remotely managed electric vehicles. In addition, it has installed over 50 parking spaces with charging points, with options for remote payment and management, including load balancing systems. This evolution of an equipment sales company into a services provider, offering control solution and charge management as an accredited supplier, has allowed the company become part of one of the leading platforms of e-mobility companies in Spain. Its network of partners has SOLUCIONES LLAVE EN MANO PARA EL SECTOR DE LA MOVILIDAD ELÉCTRICA Con el avance de la movilidad eléctrica, nuevas empresas, instituciones y otros actores han dado el salto a un mercado con grandes perspectivas de futuro y que generará un importante volumen de negocio a corto plazo. Simplemente hay que fijarse en lo que ha ocurrido en los países de nuestro entorno, principalmente del norte de Europa, para tener una hoja de ruta de lo que sucederá en España en los próximos años. La movilidad eléctrica es un mercado sin marcha atrás, con grandes oportunidades que han llamado a nuevas empresas a posicionarse en este sector. TURNKEY SOLUTIONS FOR THE E-MOBILITY SECTOR With the advance of electric mobility, new companies, institutions and other agents have taken the step into a market with great future potential and that will generate an important volume of business in the short term. A look at what has gone on in our neighbouring countries, mainly in the north of Europe, is enough to obtain a road map of what will happen in Spain over the next few years. There is no turning back from e-mobility whose huge opportunities have seen new companies positioning themselves in this sector. Movilidad sostenible.Vehículo eléctrico | Sustainable mobility. EV FuturEnergy | Septiembre September 2016 www.futurenergyweb.es 61