Eficiencia Energética: Hoteles | Energy Efficiency: Hotels FuturEnergy | Junio June 2016 www.futurenergyweb.es 16 Para ser hotel candidato, debían de ser PYME, comprometerse a los objetivos del proyecto y mostrar ciertas capacidades financieras para poder hacer posible dicho compromiso. Era interesante, además, que hubiera distintas tipologías de hotel para posteriormente facilitar la replicabilidad de los resultados. De los 18 hoteles que mostraron interés, pasaron a ser cinco candidatos, de los cuales, los pilotos neZEH finalmente seleccionados fueron el hotel rural Amalurra de Vizcaya y el hotel costero Corona del Mar en Benidorm. Resultados de las auditorías En cada uno de los 16 hoteles piloto se realizaron pre-auditorías y auditorías energéticas que resultaron decisivas para la consecución del estado neZEH. El objetivo de dichas auditorías no solo era la mejora de la eficiencia energética del hotel sino proponer medidas que transformaran un hotel común en un Hotel de Energía Casi Nula. Para la realización de las auditorías, fueron esenciales ciertas líneas de actuación: • La visita técnica de las propias instalaciones por un auditor externo a la organización del hotel. • Las auditorías energéticas eran más veraces cuando se empleaban equipos de medición como analizadores de redes, cámaras termográficas, analizador de gases o luxómetro. • Dada la alta variabilidad de las instalaciones hoteleras, se puso el foco en la reducción de consumo en aquellas actividades relacionadas con el hospedaje, no con servicios o instalaciones de valor añadido. • Los resultados mostraron una reducción del consumo de energía primaria, así como el aumento de la contribución de las energías renovables en cada uno de los hoteles tras la implantación de las medidas recomendadas. Lamedida quemás ahorros consiguió fue la implantación de bombas de calor geotérmicas en Suecia, seguida de la instalación de energía solar térmica, rondando una media de ahorros del 30% de la energía. Las medidas relacionadas con el ACS son las que más ahorros consiguieron, seguidas de las medidas de gestión energética del edificio. El estudio de los resultados de las auditorías sirvió, además, para ver el tipo de medidas de eficiencia energética y energías renovables recomendadas más adecuadas para cada una de las distintas tipologías de hoteles y climatologías de los países de la UE parte del proyecto neZEH. To be a candidate hotel, the establishment had to be an SME, committed to the project aims and able to demonstrate a certain degree of financial capacity to be able to turn that commitment into a reality. Different typologies of hotel were selected to enable the outcome to be subsequently replicated. Out of the 18 Spanish hotels that showed interest, five became candidates from which the neZEH pilots selected were the rural hotel Amalurra in Vizcaya and the seaside hotel Corona del Mar in Benidorm. Audit results At each of the 16 pilot hotels, energy pre-audits and audits were carried out that were decisive in achieving neZEH status. The aim of these audits was not only the improved energy efficiency of the hotel but also the recommendation of measures to transform an ordinary establishment into a nearly Zero Energy Hotel. To undertake the audits, specific actions lines were crucial: • The technical visit to the installations themselves by an auditor external to the management of the hotel. • The energy audits were more accurate when measuring equipment such as grid analysers, thermal imaging cameras, gas analysers or lux meters were used. • Given the high degree of variation in hotel installations, the project focused on reducing consumption in those activities relating to accommodation rather than to added value services or facilities. • The results showed a reduction in primary energy consumption, as well as an increase in the contribution of renewable energy in each hotel following the implementation of the recommended measures. The measure that achieved the biggest savings was the implementation of geothermal heat pumps in Sweden, followed by the installation of solar thermal energy, achieving an average energy saving of 30%. The measures relating to DHW achieved the greatest savings, followed by the measures associated with the energy management of the building. The study of the results of the audits furthermore served to identify the most suitable types of energy efficiency measures and renewable energies for each of the different types of hotels and climate zones in the EU countries taking part in the neZEH project. As such, it was demonstrated that, for example, the solar power measures, both thermal and photovoltaic, as well as the reduction in HVAC consumption thanks to management measures, had the most impact on pilot hotels located in mountainous areas. The most widely-implemented measure was the replacement of bulbs with others that are more efficient, as it involves low investments and easy installation. The improvement in the envelope, despite requiring a high level of investment and complex installation was another of the measures widely implemented at the hotels. This is due to the fact that the efficiency requirements to achieve neZEH status are very demanding and without the building envelope being properly insulated, the required level of efficiency to make savings on HVAC would not be achieved. Creara Energy Experts, as Regional Leader and expert in undertaking energy audits, carried out the quality control of Figura 1. Tipos de medidas energéticas según los ahorros conseguidos Types of energy measures by savings achieved 10% 25% 19% 18% 16% 11% ACS | DHW Renovables | Renewables Sistemas de gestión de edificios y gestión BMS & Management Iluminación | Lighting Climatización | HVAC Accesorios | Appliances