FY30 - FuturEnergy

tencia de 800 kW y está equipada con un quemador eficiente de gas natural, se controla a través de la unidad de control Logamatic. El intercambiador de calor de condensación del sistema de caldera de vapor apoya la calefacción. Fases de implementación del proyecto: • Construcción de una sala de calderas moderna de gran tamaño. • Integración del sistema existente en la nueva red de vapor. • Utilización de una nueva caldera de vapor con combustión a gas y economizador integrado. • Instalación aguas abajo de un intercambiador de calor para condensación, para una máxima utilización de la energía. • Integración de componentes modulares para el tratamiento térmico del agua, eliminación de purgas y recuperación de condensados. • Integración de los sistemas de gestión programables por control sencillo de la caldera y del sistema en general. • Instalación de una nueva caldera para calentar el edificio. Resultados Gracias a la moderna tecnología de calderas de Bosch, se pudieron cumplir en su totalidad los requisitos específicos del cliente para el nuevo sistema de caldera de vapor. El sistema se controla de forma inteligente e impresiona su funcionamiento fiable y energéticamente eficiente. La disponibilidad del sistema se incrementa por el mantenimiento regular y otros servicios prestados por Kazantrade, que también optimiza el consumo de combustible. Gracias a su diseño modular, el sistema de energía puede ampliarse en cualquier momento para satisfacer aumentos necesarios de capacidad. Intelligent control units All measuring and control functions are optimised as required via the boiler controls (BCO) with an intuitive touch screen. The transparent display of all operating data in the form of visually informative curve diagrams and total figures helps to keep energy costs low. Integrated monitoring and protective functions help to prevent incorrect operation, thereby ensuring a reliable supply. The system control (SCO) combines the boiler and module controls into one universal management system. Information exchange is performed via efficient bus system technology. The latest operating messages and process data of the boiler system are transmitted via the link to the company‘s process control centre. A remote service connection is also available. If required, a Bosch service expert can gain access to the boiler controls and simply and quickly optimise control parameters or eliminate sources of faults. More products from the Bosch Thermotechnology range A new heating boiler from Bosch Thermotechnology is used to heat the building. The Logano SK755 boiler, which has an output of 800 kW and is equipped with an efficient natural gas burner, is controlled via the Logamatic control unit. The condensing heat exchanger of the steam boiler system supports the heating. Project implementation phases: • Building a modern, large-scale boiler house. • Integration of the existing system into the new steam network. • Use of a new steam boiler with gas firing and integrated economiser. • Installation of a downstream condensing heat exchanger for maximum energy utilisation. • Integration of modular components for thermal water treatment, blow-down disposal and condensate recovery. • Integration of programmable management systems for the simple control of the boiler and overall system. • Installation of a new boiler for heating the building. The result Thanks to Bosch’s modern boiler technology, the customer‘s specific requirements for the new steam boiler system could be met in full. The system is intelligently controlled and is highly impressive with its reliable and energy efficient operation. The availability of the system is increased by the regular maintenance and other services provided by Kazantrade which also optimises fuel consumption. Thanks to its modular design, the energy system can be expanded at any time to meet required increases in capacity. Eficiencia Energética: Instalaciones Industriales | Energy Efficiency: Industrial Installations FuturEnergy | Mayo May 2016 www.futurenergyweb.es 87