FY30 - FuturEnergy

Innovación tecnológica y ahorro energético Orbe, una de las principales empresas conserveras de la provincia de Pontevedra, inauguró el pasado 29 de abril sus nuevas instalaciones en el polígono de A Reigosa, en Ponte Caldelas, y anunció su inminente entrada en servicio después de 18 meses de trabajos continuados para tenerlo todo a punto. Esta factoría concentrará la producción de esta conservera, que supone 25 millones de latas al año de productos marisqueros, cefalópodos y pescado, que se exportarán a dos continentes. El 60% se comercializa en España, mientras que el resto se vende en mercados como Estados Unidos, Alemania, Inglaterra, Francia, Panamá, Costa Rica, Colombia y México, entre otros. La nueva factoría ha supuesto un reto para la empresa, que ha intentado conseguir una nave puntera en energías renovables y ahorro energético con la tecnologíamás moderna en el sector conservero. Entre las novedades destaca la caldera de biomasa, a base de astilla de madera, que permite obtener beneficios medioamTechnological innovation and energy saving Orbe, one of the leading canning companies in the province of Pontevedra, inaugurated its new facilities on 29 April at the A Reigosa industrial estate in Ponte Caldelas, also announcing its imminent entry into service after 18 months of continuous work to get everything ready. This factory is dedicated to the production of canned foods, producing 25 million tins per year of seafood, shellfish and fish products that are exported to two continents. 60% is sold in Spain, while the rest reaches markets including the USA, Germany, the UK, France, Panama, Costa Rica, Colombia and Mexico. The new factory has represented a challenge for the company that has aimed to achieve a cutting-edge premises based on renewable energy and energy saving equipped with the latest technology in the canning sector. Its innovative features include the wood chip biomass boiler that offers environmental benefits, with nearly-zero CO2 emissions and a saving of 65% compared to conventional energy sources. It has also incorporated a curtain wall, high density polycarbonate panels, low-emission glazing and an envelope around the entire premises that allows natural light to enter plus the thermal control of the interior. All of this results in a significant energy saving for the company. Moreover, an exhaustive control system has been installed to monitor electricity consumption and the water cycle. Biomass installation Steam boiler The company Aresol Servicios Energéticos, part of Grupo Aresol, has undertaken the installation of a steam biomass boiler manufactured by LSolé with a productive capacity of 4,000 kg/h of steam at a maximum service pressure of 10 bar. The boiler’s feed system is equipped with a rotary valve and double wormgear feeder, as well as a safety device for fire protection to avoid flash-back. The boiler oven has a cooled moving grate that provides optimal distribution of the fuel inside the combustion chamber, allowing the use of fuels with up to 50% humidity. The highly efficient design of the combustion chamber and the flue gas passes offer a low level of consumption. The large volume of water available combined with generous size of the steam chamber guarantee both the continuous production of steam and quality dry air. Complete and careful insulation of the boiler with 100 mm thick mineral rock wool minimises heat losses. CALDERA DE VAPOR CON BIOMASA PARA INDUSTRIA CONSERVERA EN PONTE CALDELAS La empresa Industrias Conserveras Orbe ahorrará 657.572 € en 12 años, mediante la instalación de una caldera de biomasa para la producción de vapor en sus nuevas instalaciones de Ponte Caldelas (Pontevedra). De la mano de Grupo Aresol, Orbe generará el vapor necesario para su proceso productivo mediante una eficiente caldera de biomasa, que permitirá un importante ahorro económico y contribuirá a la reducción de emisiones de CO2, así como a la generación de nuevos puestos de trabajo relacionados con el suministro y la explotación de la nueva central térmica. STEAM BOILER WITH BIOMASS FOR THE CANNING INDUSTRY IN PONTE CALDELAS Industrias Conserveras Orbe will save €657,572 over 12 years by installing a biomass boiler to produce steam at its new facilities in Ponte Caldelas, Pontevedra. Thanks to Grupo Aresol, Orbe will generate the steam required for its productive process from an efficient biomass boiler, resulting in a significant economic saving as well as helping reduce CO2 emissions and creating new jobs relating to the supply and operation of the new power plant. Eficiencia Energética: Instalaciones Industriales | Energy Efficiency: Industrial Installations FuturEnergy | Mayo May 2016 www.futurenergyweb.es 75