FY28 - FuturEnergy

Eficiencia Energética: Ayuntamientos | Energy Effciency: City Halls www.futurenergyweb.es 64 FuturEnergy | Marzo March 2016 • P3- Garantía Total: reparación con sustitución de los elementos deteriorados mencionados en el apartado de Prestación P2 Mantenimiento. • P4 - Obras de Mejora y Renovación de las Instalaciones del alumbrado exterior. Socios del proyecto Alisea ESCO: pertenece al Grupo Tech Pro, que en España tiene dos compañías: la propia Alisea especializada en proyectos y que es una empresa de servicios energéticos, y Ledus marca de luminarias, y soluciones de tecnología LED. Wellness: se ha implantado su solución WeLight después de un exhaustivo estudio de todas las opciones del mercado. EnGandía, ha realizado telegestión en cabecera, y ha agrupado los centros de mando, para actuar además de manera conjunta, según las necesidades de la ciudad (ferias, refuerzo de iluminación en verano, eventos…). WeLight permite, además de telegestionar, obtener ahorros adicionales, disponer de datos de consumo en tiempo real, detectar averías y fallos, conocer el estado y el histórico de cada elemento de la instalación… Auditesa: ingeniería que ayuda a la gestión energética, en los estudios de ahorro y los trabajos de geoposicionamiento de los elementos de la instalación. Piamonte: empresa que realiza el mantenimiento correctivo y preventivo dentro del contrato que Alisea mantiene con el Ayuntamiento de Gandía. Ledus: socio tecnológico de Alisea, y la marca de todas las luminarias instaladas en Gandía. In addition to the technical aspect, human perception is important, and when the ideal choice is made as regards the colour temperature and lighting levels, the results impact on moods and improve social interaction and communication. There is a direct correlation between light and behaviour, both at a social and individual level. This was the starting point: taking care of each one of these details and integrating them into the project, so that they form part of the study variables and the end objectives. The result is perfect harmony in every sense of the word. Main technical data of the project • €34m contract over 15 years. • Contractual services: P1, P2, P3 and P4. • Economic saving for Gandía of more than €400,000 per year (20%). • Saving of 1,831 t/yr in CO2 emissions • 12,759 LED technology luminaires installed. • 107 remotely managed control centres. • Investment undertaken by Alisea: €3,528,119 • Reinvestment expected to be carried out: €2,276,633 • Investment made by Gandía City Council: €0 Description of the contractual services • P1: Energy Management: energy and administrative management necessary to correctly operate the installations the object of the contract. Management of the power supply to the installations and payment of the costs of the energy consumed. • P2: Maintenance: preventive and corrective maintenance to achieve perfect operation and efficiency in the installations the object of the contract. • P3: Total Guarantee: repair by replacing worn elements that form part of section P2 Maintenance. • P4: Improvement and RenovationWorks of the outdoor lighting installations. Project partners Alisea ESCO: a member of the Tech Pro Group with two companies in Spain: Alisea, project specialist and an energy services company; and Ledus, offering its own brand of luminaires plus LED technology solutions. Wellness: theWeLight solution has been implemented following an exhaustive study of all the options on the market. For Gandía, centralised remote management has been implemented, grouping the control centres to act jointly in line with the needs of the town (fairs, boosting lighting in summer, events…). In addition to remote management, WeLight can achieve additional savings, providing real time consumption data, detecting breakdowns and faults, providing information on the status and history of each component of the installation… Auditesa: engineering company assisting with energy management in the studies on saving carried out and the geopositioning tasks for the installation’s components. Piamonte: responsible for the corrective and preventive maintenance of the contract entered into by Alisea with the Gandía City Council. Ledus: Alisea’s technological partner and the brand of all the luminaires installed in Gandía. Miguel Ángel Zamorano Lucena, Director de Explotación y Proyectos de Alisea ESCO Director del Proyecto ESE de Gandía Director of Operations and Projects at Alisea ESCO Director of the Gandía ESCO Project