FY27 - FuturEnergy

Fotovoltaica | PV FuturEnergy | Enero-Febrero January-February 2016 www.futurenergyweb.es 59 porcentaje se incrementará anualmente, hasta llegar al 35% en 2024, la publicación se hará en el DOF con tres años de adelanto para permitir a los participantes del MEM considerar proyectos que les generen estos CELs o bien considerar su compra. Los participantes del mercado eléctrico mayorista serán los obligados a cumplir con los CELs. Los participantes son las empresas que quieran verse beneficiadas de los mejores precios de electricidad disponibles en el mercado, así como las empresas generadoras y suministradoras de energía. Es debido a estas implicaciones que los usuarios que no quieran participar directamente en el MEM, pagarán un alto precio, ya que CFE, quien es actualmente el único suministrador de energía, deberá pagar por éstos títulos (CELs) y transferirá dichos costes a los usuarios finales, es decir el 99% de las empresas en México. Es tan cierta la obligatoriedad de los CELs, que en la primer subasta del MEM, publicada el pasado 18 de noviembre, CFE será la principal compradora tanto de energía como de CELs. En México siempre sale el sol Bajo este escenario de obligatoriedad, las empresas empiezan a formar comités de energía, a empaparse en el tema energético para poder estar preparados ante el inminente efecto de la Reforma Energética con el objetivo de desarrollar las estrategias que les permitan sacar el mayor provecho del nuevo MEM. Dentro de estas estrategias es imprescindible considerar la riqueza renovable de México, y siendo el tercer país en el mundo con mayor recurso solar, la respuesta parece ser muy fácil. El recurso solar de México es tan vasto que haciendo simulaciones de generación eléctrica en ciertas zonas de México, bastaría con instalar un parque solar de 100 km2 para generar toda la energía que se consume en México. La tecnología solar fotovoltaica existe desde hace más de 100 años, es una tecnología madura, que ha sido probada y verificada su efectividad en todo el mundo, permite tener una certeza casi total del coste de la energía a producir, es modulable y puede implementarse a pequeña escala, además de que los riesgos de su aplicación son mínimos ya que tiene muy pocas partes móviles, permite el aprovechamiento de áreas en desuso como los techos de naves industriales, tiene una larga vida útil, normalmente gaAccordingly, Mexico has introduced Clean Energy Certificates (CELs in their Spanish acronym), an instrument issued by the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) that evidences the generation of a specific amount of electric energy from clean energy sources. A CEL is the equivalent of 1 MWh produced from clean energy, whether renewable or from nuclear and high efficiency CHP. This means a distinction has to be made between the production and the sale of energy and the accreditation of CELs and their use or sale, as these are two different supply and demand products on the MEM. On 31 March 2015, the requirements of the CELs that large consumers must comply with by 2018 were published in the Official Journal of the Federation (DOF). This percentage will increase every year until it reaches 35% in 2024. It will be published in the DOF three years in advance so that MEM participants can evaluate projects that will generate these CELs for them or consider their purchase. MEM participants will be obliged to comply with the CELs. These participants are companies that will benefit from the best electricity prices available on the market as well as the generation companies and energy suppliers. Due to these implications, users that do not wish to directly take part in the MEM will pay a higher price, because the CFE that is currently the only energy supplier, will have to pay for these instruments (CELs) and pass on the associated costs to the end users, in other words, to 99% of the companies in Mexico. So certain is the enforceability of the CELs that in the first MEM auction, published last 18 November, the CFE is the main buyer of both energy and CELs. The sun always shines in Mexico Against this backdrop of enforceability, companies are starting to set up energy committees dedicated to energy issues, so that they can be prepared for the imminent effect of the Energy Reform with the aim of developing strategies that will allow them to make the most of the new MEM. These strategies must include Mexico’s renewable wealth and, as it is the third country worldwide with the greatest solar resource, the answer would appear to be very simple. Mexico’s solar resource is so vast that electricity generation simulations undertaken in specific regions of the country have shown that the installation of one 100 km2 solar farm would generate sufficient power to cover Mexico’s energy consumption. Solar PV technology has existed for more than 100 years. It is a mature technology whose effectiveness has been tried and tested all over the world, giving almost complete certainty over the total cost of the energy to be produced. It is scalable meaning it can be introduced at a small scale, in addition to which the risks of its application are minimal. As it has very few moving parts, it can make use of underutilised areas such as the roofs of industrial premises. Plus it has a