FY27 - FuturEnergy

Eólica | Wind Power www.futurenergyweb.es 44 FuturEnergy | Enero-Febrero January-February 2016 En cuanto al número de aerogeneradores conectados a red en Europa, Reino Unido lidera el mercado con 1.454 aerogeneradores (45%) seguido por Alemania (792, 24,5%), Dinamarca (513, 15,9%), Holanda (184, 5,7%), Bélgica (182, 5,6%), Suecia (86, 2,7%), Finlandia (9 aerogeneradores, 0,3%) e Irlanda (7). Noruega, Portugal y España tienen un aerogenerador cada una. Los 11.027,1 MW de potencia eólica marina están instalados principalmente en el Mar del Norte (7.656,4 MW, 69,4%). 1.943,2 MW o 17,6% están instalados en el Mar del Irlanda, 1.420,5 MW (12,9%) en el Mar Báltico, y 7 MW en el Océano Atlántico. Fabricantes de aerogeneradores Cuota de mercado anual en 2015 Siemens continúa siendo el suministrador líder de aerogeneradores marinos en términos de instalaciones netas anuales, Con 1.816,4 MW de nueva potencia conectada, Siemens cubrió el 60% del mercado en 2015. Adwen (550 MW, 18,2%), MHI Vestas (391,5 MW, 12,9%) y Senvion (270,6 MW, 8,9%) son los otros fabricantes de aerogeneradores que conectaron aerogeneradores en parques eólicos a gran escala durante 2015. De forma similar, en términos de unidades netas conectadas, Siemens sigue en primer puesto con 476 aerogeneradores de distintas potencias conectados en aguas europeas en 2015 (el segmento 3-6 MW, representa el 62,7% de la potencia total conectada). MHI Vestas conectó un total de 129 aerogeneradores (con potencias en el rango 3 - 3,3 MW) representando el 17%. Adwen conectó 110 aerogeneradores a la red, cada uno de 5 MW, representando el 14,5% de todos los aerogeneradores conectados. Senvion también conectó 44 aerogeneradores, con una potencia unitaria de 6,15 MW, representando un 5,8% de los aerogeneradores conectados en 2015. Cuota de mercado acumulada Siemens vuelve a liderar el segmento de suministradores de aerogeneradores marinos en Europa con un 63,5% de la potencia total instalada. MHI Vestas (18,5%) es el segundo mayor suministrador de aerogeneradores marinos, seguido por Senvion (7,4%), Adwen (5,7%), y Bard (3,6%). En términos del número total de aerogeneradores conectados a la red al finalizar 2015, volvemos a encontrarnos con Siemens en primer lugar con 2.059 aerogeneradores, 63,6% del mercado. MHI Vestas installations); followed by Belgium (712.2 MW, 6.5%); the Netherlands (426.5 MW, 3.9%); Sweden (201.7 MW, 1.8%); Finland (26 MW); Ireland (25.2 MW); Spain (5 MW); Norway (2 MW); and Portugal (2 MW). In terms of the number of grid-connected wind turbines in Europe, the UK leads the market with 1,454 wind turbines (45%), followed by Germany (792, 24.5%); Denmark (513, 15.9%); the Netherlands (184, 5.7%); Belgium (182, 5.6%); Sweden (86, 2.7%); Finland (9, 0.3%); and Ireland (7). Norway, Portugal and Spain all have one wind turbine each. The 11,027.1 MW of offshore wind capacity are mainly installed in the North Sea (7,656.4 MW, 69.4%); 1,943.2 MW or 17.6% are installed in the Irish Sea; 1,420.5 MW (12.9%) in the Baltic Sea; and 7 MW in the Atlantic Ocean. Wind turbine manufacturers Annual market share in 2015 Siemens continues to be the top offshore wind turbine supplier in terms of net annual installations.With 1,816.4 MW of new connected capacity, Siemens accounts for 60% of the 2015 market. Adwen (550 MW, 18.2%), MHI Vestas (391.5 MW, 12.9%) and Senvion (270.6 MW, 8.9%) are the other turbine manufacturers who had turbines grid-connected in full-scale wind farms during 2015. Similarly, in terms of net grid-connected units, Siemens remains at the top with 476 turbines of various capacities (the 3-6 MW segment accounting for 62.7% of total connected capacity) connected in European waters during 2015. MHI Vestas connected a net total of 129 turbines (ranging from 3-3.3 MW) representing 17%. Adwen connected 110 turbines to the grid, each rated at 5 MW, representing 14.5% of all turbines connected. Senvion also connected 44 turbines, with an individual turbine rating of 6.15 MW, accounting for 5.8% of grid-connected turbines in 2015. Cumulative market share Siemens is once again the lead offshore wind turbine supplier in Europe with 63.5% of total installed capacity. MHI Vestas (18.5%) is the second biggest turbine supplier, followed by Senvion (7.4%), Adwen (5.7%) and Bard (3.6%). In terms of the total number of wind turbines connected to the grid at the end of 2015, Siemens remains the top supplier with 2,059 turbines or 63.6% of the market. MHI Vestas has 750 gridconnected wind turbines representing 23.2% of total; followed by Senvion (140, 4.3%); Adwen (127, 3.9%); Bard (80, 2.5%); WinWind (18, 0.6%); and GE Renewable Energy (15, 0.5%). Wind farm developers Annual market share in 2015: E.ON was the largest developer in the European offshore sector in 2015 with 17.1% of total connections. Together with RWE Innogy (344.4 MW, 11.4%), EnBW (288 MW, 9.5%), Stadtwerke München (235.5 MW, 9.5%), DONG Energy (234 MW, 7.8%), these top 5 developers added 1.6 GW of installed capacity, representing 53.6% of all installations in 2015. Foto cortesía de EWEA Photo courtesy of EWEA