FY27 - FuturEnergy

Propuestas de mejora de eficiencia energética en establecimientos hoteleros Los servicios ofrecidos por Imtech Spain en relación a la gestión del consumo energético de hoteles empiezan con un análisis exhaustivo del consumo de energía, con revisiones de las instalaciones para comprobar si existen equipos con poco rendimiento, pérdidas energéticas innecesarias, etc. Posteriormente se estudia si hace falta cambiar equipos obsoletos por nuevas instalaciones de alto rendimiento para un uso racional de la energía, permitiendo así un retorno rápido de la inversión. Las propuestas presentadas por Imtech Spain no tratan por tanto de que no se consuma energía, sino de conseguir un consumo más eficiente mediante la adopción de técnicas que permitan un ahorro energético y de costes, obteniendo el mismo rendimiento. Así, cabe destacar el control por ocupación hotelera; programación de consignas;medidas para el ahorro de ACS; control del gasto energético en climatización y calefacción manteniendo las consignas de confort; y otras actuaciones para conseguir ahorros energéticos en espacios como cocinas, ascensores, lavandería, oficinas, y alumbrado y electricidad especialmente de zonas comunes. Se debe tener en cuenta que cuando se habla de mantenimiento y conservación, estos son conceptos y actividades totalmente diferentes. Puede suceder que una instalación esté bien conservada pero estar mal regulada o equilibrada con rendimientos estacionaProposals for improving energy efficiency in hotel establishments The services offered by Imtech Spain as regards managing hotel energy consumption start with an exhaustive analysis of its energy consumption, reviewing the installations to identify any under-performing units, unnecessary energy losses, etc. After this, a study is carried out to see if obsolete equipment needs to be replaced by new, high performance units to achieve a rational use of energy, thereby resulting in a quick return on investment. The proposals submitted by Imtech Spain do not only involve reduced energy consumption but aim to achieve more efficient consumption by adopting techniques that lead to an energy and costs saving while obtaining the same level of performance. They feature control by hotel occupation; set points programming; DHW saving measures; control of the energy expenditure from temperature control and heating while maintaining comfort set points; and other actions that achieve energy savings in areas such as kitchens, lifts, laundry, offices, lighting and electricity, in particular in the public areas. It should be remembered that maintenance and conservation are completely different concepts and activities. An installation that is in a good state of conservation but is badly regulated or imbalanced with reduced seasonal performance levels, offers a marked difference between the power generated and demand. In this case, the installation is badly designed and maintained, and this consequently leads to a significant increase in costs for the hotel owner. This is not a case of consuming less energy but achieving a better use of consumption, adopting techniques that result in less expenditure to achieve the same ends. It is also important to take into account the type of building involved. For example, the energy consumption of an office building is not the same as that of a hotel. In a hotel, heating and air conditioning consumption can account for almost half the building’s total consumption. DHW is the second largest consumer of energy in percentage terms with consumption resulting from lighting in third place. LA IMPORTANCIA DEL CORRECTO MANTENIMIENTO DE INSTALACIONES DE CLIMATIZACIÓN Y DE LA GESTIÓN ENERGÉTICA EN EL SECTOR HOTELERO El óptimo mantenimiento de instalaciones en establecimientos hoteleros se vuelve cada vez más necesario dada la complejidad y diversidad de estos edificios, con el objetivo de ser eficientes en el uso de los recursos que se consumen en este tipo de instalaciones, como el agua o la energía. No solo para los propietarios de los establecimientos o empresas responsables de la gestión del hotel, sino de cara a los clientes que se alojan en ellos, es de vital importancia asegurar en todo momento el funcionamiento de las instalaciones, especialmente las referentes al clima, mediante un correcto mantenimiento preventivo, ya que puede jugar un papel fundamental para lograr que la experiencia del usuario del hotel sea lo más positiva posible. THE IMPORTANCE OF CORRECTLY MAINTAINING HVAC INSTALLATIONS AND ENERGY MANAGEMENT IN THE HOTEL SECTOR The optimum maintenance of installations in hotel establishments is becoming increasingly necessary given the complexity and diversity of this type of buildings, with the aim of being efficient in the use of the resources that they consume, such as water and energy. From the owners of the establishments and the companies responsible for the hotel management, to the clients that stay in them, it is vitally important that the operation of its installations is guaranteed at all times, particularly as regards temperature control. Proper preventive maintenance therefore plays an essential role in ensuring that the hotel guests’ experience is as positive as possible. FuturEnergy | Enero-Febrero January-February 2016 www.futurenergyweb.es 25 Eficiencia Energética: Hoteles | Energy Efficiency: Hotels