FO90 - FuturEnviro

Mujeres y Medio Ambiente | Women & Environment | Mayo-Junio May-June 2022 14 está formada íntegramente por mujeres. Diría, honestamente, que es pura casualidad, mera aplicación de los principios de provisión de puestos de trabajo que rige en el sector público -igualdad, mérito y capacidad- o quizás es que a las mujeres nos gusta trabajar en un sector que apasiona: con todos los componentes para el pleno desarrollo en el ámbito de la ingeniería y la gestión, pero con ese valor diferencial de pensar cada día que estamos contribuyendo a crear una sociedad más justa y un futuro más sostenible para nuestro entorno y las personas que lo habitarán. Pero, si tuviera que poner algo en valor, resaltaría la avidez por establecer alianzas entre las mujeres que nos movemos en el sector de la sostenibilidad y la economía circular: entre las directivas -¿se gestiona diferente en femenino?-, apoyando a lasmujeres jóvenes con vocación y ambición, y entre todas las que en el ámbito del asociacionismo, el voluntariado, la educación y el emprendimiento trabajan por un ambiente sostenible. Espero que, juntas -y en concreto en mi tierra, que enfrenta una transición ecológica vertiginosa pero llena de oportunidades- podamos contribuir a este ya imparable futuro circular. n the environment, taking advantage of what was initially a “small window” to grow as a person committed to her work. In my current position, which I have held for a little over a year, I have been managing a public organisation that has been in existence for 40 years and whose top management is made up entirely of women. I would honestly say that this is purely coincidental, a simple result of the application of the principles governing the allocation of jobs in the public sector, i.e., equality, merit and ability. Or perhaps it is because we women like to work in a sector we are passionate about: with all the ingredients required for full development in the field of engineering and management, but with that differentiating added value of feeling that we are contributing on a daily basis to the creation of a fairer society and a more sustainable future for our environment and the people who will inhabit it. But if I had to highlight one thing, it would be the desire to establish alliances between the women who work in the sustainability and circular economy sector: alliances between managers (Is management different for women?), alliances between young women with vocation and ambition, and alliances between all who work for a sustainable environment through associations, voluntary work, education and entrepreneurship. I hope that, together - and particularly in my region, which is facing a dizzying ecological transition but one full of opportunities - we can contribute to this already unstoppable circular future. n