FO87 - Futurenviro | Febrero-Marzo February-March 2022 19 A fondo: Análisis 2021 | In depth: 2021 Analysis de 2023 (3 años desde su aprobación), y por tanto administraciones y usuarios han empezado a adaptar sus instalaciones, sistemas de gestión y controles de calidad, aunque España ya partía de una situación mucho más avanzada que los demás países europeos. Llamó la atención (y sigue llamando), que la Unión Europea solo se preocupara de regular el uso de las aguas regeneradas para agricultura, dejando el resto de usos al criterio de cada país, por lo que en España estos usos siguen estando regulados por el Real Decreto 1620/2007. Del uso de agua regenerada para la producción de agua potable nos podemos olvidar de momento, aunque alguna vez tendremos que abrir este debate, como ya ocurre en países como Estados Unidos, Australia, Singapur o Israel. En otro orden de cosas, el pasado 22 de diciembre finalizaron su periodo de consulta pública las propuestas de proyecto de plan hidrológico de las demarcaciones hidrográficas intercomunitarias junto con las propuestas de los planes de gestión del riesgo de inundación. Esperemos que estos nuevos planes hidrológicos sirvan para una gestión más eficiente y sostenible de los recursos hídricos y con mayor razón cuando estamos en niveles medios de agua embalsada por debajo del 45% y con pocas previsiones de lluvia, agravando así la sequía estructural de muchas regiones. Ya dentro de 2022 el Consejo de Ministros ha aprobado la actualización del Real Decreto sobre contaminación producida por nitratos, renovando la transposición a España de la Directiva Europea relacionada. Desde nuestra asociación, AEDyR, seguimos promoviendo el uso sostenible de los recursos no convencionales para la prevención de los efectos de la sequía y el cambio climático, complementando a otros recursos para los usos urbano, agrícola e industrial. begun to adapt their facilities, management and quality control systems, although Spain started from a much more advanced position than other European countries. It was and continues to be striking that the European Union was only concerned with regulating the use of reclaimed water for agriculture, leaving the other uses to the criteria of each country. Therefore, such uses continue to be regulated by Royal Decree 1620/2007 in Spain. We can forget about the use of reclaimed water for drinking water production for the time being, although at some point we will have to open this debate, as is already happening in countries like the United States, Australia, Singapore and Israel. The public consultation period on the draft river basin management plans for inter-regional river basin districts and the draft flood risk management plans closed on December 22. Let us hope that these new hydrological plans will lead to more efficient and sustainable management of water resources. This is particularly important in a scenario where the average level of water in reservoirs is below 45% and forecasts indicate low rainfall figures, thus exacerbating the structural drought being experienced in many regions. At the beginning of 2022, the Spanish Cabinet passed the updated Royal Decree on nitrate pollution, which represents the transposition into Spanish law of the European Directive. At the AEDyR, we continue to promote the sustainable use of non-conventional resources to prevent the effects of drought and climate change, and to complement other resources for urban, agricultural and industrial uses. As part of this dissemination and promotion work, AEDyR held its first on-line Digital Congress, which was divided into 6 sessions and took place throughout the first half of 2021. To facilitate the attendance of our Latin American colleagues, the sessions were held in the afternoons, thus increasing international participation. Representatives from 37 countries attended (from Europe, North and South America, the Middle East and North Africa), proof once more of the great international interest in the Spanish desalination and reuse sector. In order to promote participation at a difficult economic time for companies, attendance at the event was completely free of charge. Although this meant a significant reduction in the income received by the association, we believe that it was worth the effort to provide service to members and those interested in our sector. We would like to remind all members that they can download all the papers presented at the 1st Digital Congress, as well as those from all previous congresses, through the members’ section of our website. With a view to providing training for professionals in the sector, the 8th edition of AEDyR’s Specialist University Course in Desalination and Reuse has just been launched, once again in