FO80 - FuturEnviro | Mayo-Junio May-June 2021 26 Bioenergía | Bioenergy forma periódica para cambiar de variedad, para convertirlos en un biocombustible de calidad adecuado para calefacción, así como promover esta práctica entre los fruticultores de la zona. El potencial por explotar de la agrobiomasa como fuente de energía en España es inmenso, ya que es un recurso variable, endógeno y abundante. Además, España es un país muy rico en estos recursos, ya que es el primer productor mundial de aceite de oliva, el tercer productor a nivel mundial de vino, con más de 6 millones de hectáreas de cereal y el líder en cítricos y frutos secos, entre otros. Es por ello, que además de mejorar la competitividad de las empresas aprovechando un subproducto que ahora mismo se desperdicia, es un potente motor para promover el desarrollo rural y la economía circular, dos pilares fundamentales en los objetivos europeos de Energía y Clima.  An example is the Spanish initiative promoted by the Lleida municipality of Sudanell, in the district of Segriá, with the support of CIRCE in collaboration with AVEBIOM. This initiative has succeeded in valorising by-products from the uprooting of fruit trees, a practice that needs to be carried out on a regular basis in order to change the variety of product. These by-products have been converted into a quality biofuel suitable for heating and the initiative is promoting this practice among fruit growers in the area. There is immense potential for the exploitation of agro-biomass as a source of energy in Spain, given that it is a variable, endogenous and abundant resource. Moreover, Spain is very rich in these resources. It is the world’s leading producer of olive oil, the world’s third largest producer of wine, it has over 6 million hectares of cereals and it is the leading producer of citrus fruits and nuts, to mention just a few sources of agro-biomass. This is why agro-biomass, in addition to improving the competitiveness of companies by taking advantage of a by-product that is currently wasted, is a powerful driver of rural development and the circular economy, two fundamental pillars of European energy and climate targets. 