www.futurenviro.es | Abril-Mayo April-May 2021 15 Gestión y tratamiento de agua | Water management and treatment Y en este mundo en que nos encontramos, es en el que tenemos que jugar. El sector del agua puede considerarse como tradicional. No obstante, y según lo descrito en los párrafos anteriores, también ha sufrido una serie de cambios importantes. El agua de boca, el regadío, el agua para la industria, etc., son tecnologías que, si bien pueden entenderse como “maduras”, corresponden a un sector que está experimentando una gran transformación en los últimos años, en todo lo relacionado con: ahorro, medio ambiente, actualización de infraestructuras, datos, servicios de atención al cliente, digitalización, sensorización y un largo etcétera. Conocer a las personas adecuadas es vital para un desarrollo profesional exitoso En la vida profesional, algo fundamental, es quien nos acompaña en el viaje; por tanto, las relaciones socio-laborales, tienen una importancia capital. Conocer a las personas adecuadas es, en consecuencia, vital, para un desarrollo profesional exitoso. Consciente de este hecho, desde la Asociación Española de Abastecimientos de Agua y Saneamiento (AEAS) se acordó, al cierre de 2015, apoyar el lanzamiento en España, de la red joven de la IWA (International Water Association) -“Young Water Professionals (YWP) Spain”- con el objetivo del fomentar el desarrollo profesional y la visibilidad de jóvenes profesionales menores de 35 años y estudiantes interesados en el sector del agua. Asociarse es fundamental para abrir el abanico de personas conocidas y, en consecuencia, abrir una puerta amplísima al intercambio de puntos de vista, experiencias profesionales, grupos de interés, conexiones empresa-empresa y universidad-empresa, etc. Hay asociaciones de todo tipo, ya sean por edad (seniors, juniors), por especialización (agua, motores, etc.), por rama (institutos, como puede ser el IIE (Instituto de la Ingeniería de España)), o por carrera (Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, etc.) o por territorio (nacional, autonómico, provincial, comarcal). Asociarse es fundamental para intercambiar puntos de vista y experiencias La tecnología cambia, las empresas se actualizan, la universidad está en constante evolución y los oficios se adaptan día a día a la realidad. Ante este hecho tangible, no es de extrañar que, la forma de asociarse también se adapte rápidamente a los cambios. similar to the one in which they will find themselves at the end of their training period. And this is the world in which we find ourselves, the world in which we have to play. The water sector can be considered a traditional sector. However, as suggested in preceding paragraphs, it has also undergone a series of important changes. Although technologies associated with drinking water, irrigation, water for industry, etc., may be thought of as “mature”, they are associated with a sector undergoing great transformation in recent years, in everything related to: saving resources, the environment, infrastructure upgrading, data, customer services, digitisation and sensors systems, to name but a few. Knowing the right people is vital for successful professional development In professional life, those who accompany us on the journey are of vital significance, meaning that social and working relationships are of paramount importance. Knowing the right people is vital for successful professional development. Aware of this fact, the Spanish Association of Water Supply and Sanitation (AEAS) agreed, at the end of 2015, to support the launch of the Spanish branch of the IWA’s (International Water Association) Young Water Professionals (YWP). The aim of YWP is to promote the professional development and visibility of young professionals under 35 years of age and students interested in the water sector. Association is vital to broaden the range of people we know and, consequently, to open a wide door to the sharing of points of view and professional experiences, interest groups, company-to-company and university-to-company relations, etc. Associations come in many shapes and sizes and may be differentiated by age (seniors, juniors), by specialisation (water, engines, etc.), by branch (institutes, such as the IIE (Spanish Engineering Institute)), by career (Association of Civil Engineers, etc.) or by territory (national, regional, provincial, district). Association is vital for the exchange viewpoints and experiences Technology is changing, companies are updating, universities are constantly evolving and professions are adapting to reality on a daily basis. Given this tangible fact, it is not surprising that the way in which we form associations is also rapidly adapting to change. An outstanding example of a recently founded association is MWCC, Madrid World Capital of Construction, Engineering & Architecture. MWCC was born in 2016 with the strength of being a “cluster” promoted by Madrid City Council. On March 4th 2020, it became an “association”, the result of the union of 23 public and private entities. These 23 entities, the promoters of MWCC, had a clear objective: to improve the quality of life of the citizens of the city and Autonomous Acto de entrega diplomas 35under35 Presentation of 35under35 diplomas