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Gestión y Tratamiento de Residuos | Waste Management & Treatment | Marzo-Abril March-April 2021 41 España ha conseguido adelantar a Alemania y se posiciona como el segundo país con mejor ratio de reciclado de toda la Unión Europea. La Asociación Nacional de Recicladores de Plástico ANARPLA, ya cumple 26 años, pero dentro de la asociación hay empresas que tienen más de 50 años de experiencia y que han ido innovando y adaptándose a las necesidades hasta llevarnos a la situación actual donde el análisis de los datos relacionados con la producción, la demanda y la gestión de residuos de los materiales plásticos, “Plastics—the Facts 2020”, posiciona a España como el segundo país con mejor ratio de reciclaje detrás de Noruega y por delante de Suecia y Alemania. De España y de pocos países europeos más, se puede estimar que disponen de sobrecapacidad de proceso para reciclado mecánico final de residuos plásticos, sin recurrir a otras valorizaciones energéticas como en Suiza, Austria, Alemania, Bélgica… Nuestros recicladores de plásticos recurrieron a proveedores de residuos plásticos seleccionados de otros países europeos (Francia, Portugal, Italia, Reino Unido) para conseguir aprovisionamiento más regular y estables que no encontraban en España como consecuencia de la magnitud de las exportaciones. Los recicladores españoles no podían competir en precio con los recicladores asiáticos por los residuos plásticos seleccionados ya que estos trabajaban en unas condiciones de trabajo y de seguridad ambiental no comparables a las de las empresas de reciclaje de plásticos españolas. A partir de enero de 2018, China establece la “ventana verde” limitando las importaciones de residuos permitiendo a los recicladores españoles realizar las inversiones necesarias para reciclar los residuos plásticos que se quedarían dentro del territorio español aumentando de esta forma la capacidad de tratamiento y reciclaje de residuos plásticos española. Las inversiones realizadas por el sector resultan en que la capacidad de tratamiento y reciclaje del sector de reciclado de plásticos español ha crecido durante estos años más que la cantidad de residuos plásticos recuperados en las diferentes fracciones. Spain has managed to overtake Germany and now has the second highest recycling ratio in the whole of the European Union. The Spanish National Association of Plastic Recyclers, ANARPLA, was founded 26 years ago, but within the association there are companies that have more than 50 years of experience. These companies have been constantly innovating and adapting to needs to bring us to the current situation where Spain has the second highest recycling rate, behind Norway and ahead of Sweden and Germany. This is borne out by “Plastics— the Facts 2020”, a report providing analysis of data on plastic production and demand, and management of waste plastic materials. It can be said that Spain and just a few other European countries have surplus processing capacity for final mechanical recycling of plastic waste, without resorting to energy recovery processes, as occurs in the case of Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Belgium... Our plastic recyclers turned to selected plastic waste suppliers from other European countries (France, Portugal, Italy, UK) to obtain more regular and stable supplies that they could not find in Spain due to the scale of exports. Spanish recyclers were unable to compete on price with Asian recyclers for sorted plastic waste as the latter operate under occupational health and safety, and environmental conditions that are not comparable to those imposed on Spanish plastic recyclers. As of January 2018, the “green window” limiting waste imports established by China enabled Spanish recyclers to make the investments required to recycle the plastic waste that would remain within Spanish territory, thus increasing Spanish plastic waste treatment and recycling capacity. As a result of the investments made, the treatment and recycling capacity of the Spanish plastics recycling sector has grown more in recent years than the amount of different plastic waste fractions recovered. The European association PLASTICS RECYCLERS EUROPE has produced a report on the installed plastics recycling capacity in the different EU countries and the UK. The report concludes that five countries account for 67% of installed recycling capacity in Europe and the UK: Germany, Spain, France, Italy and the UK. The report also analyses recycling capacity for the different polymers and Spain is in the top four positions in all cases. Taking into account the population of each of the countries, it can be concluded that each Spanish citizen benefits from a greater recycling capacity than any other citizen in the European Union. Spain has the second highest installed recycling capacity for PET in Europe. Spain has the third highest installed recycling capacity for LDPE in Europe. Spain has the fourth highest installed recycling capacity for rigid polyolefins in Europe The Spanish plastics recycling sector is made up of 140 EL SECTOR DEL RECICLADO DE PLÁSTICOS ESPAÑOL SE CONSOLIDA COMO UNO DE LOS MÁS FUERTES DE LA UNIÓN EUROPEA THE SPANISH PLASTICS RECYCLING SECTOR IS CONSOLIDATING ITS POSITION AS ONE OF THE STRONGEST IN THE EUROPEAN UNION Separadores ópticos Optical sorters