FO78 - FuturEnviro | Marzo-Abril March-April 2021 30 Gestión y Tratamiento de Residuos | Waste Management & Treatment La regulación sobre traslado de residuos en el interior del territorio del Estado tiene un hito importante el próximo 1 de julio. A partir de esa fecha será obligatoria la tramitación electrónica del traslado de residuos. La puesta en marcha de esta tramitación tiene grandes repercusiones tanto para los productores como para los gestores y es un buen paso para garantizar la trazabilidad de los residuos, facilitar el control por parte de las administraciones y reducir la carga administrativa actual. El traslado de residuos siempre ha sido una de las cuestiones clave para el sector medioambiental y, especialmente, para los gestores de residuos industriales y peligrosos. En el año 2020 se marcó un hito importante sobre este asunto con la publicación en el mes de junio del Real Decreto 553/2020, por el que se regula el traslado de residuos en el interior del territorio del Estado. Esta normativa precisa algunos aspectos del procedimiento establecido en el anterior Real Decreto 180/2015 y garantiza una coherencia del régimen de traslado de residuos con el reglamento europeo. Todo ello con el objetivo de mejorar la trazabilidad de los traslados desde el lugar de origen del residuo hasta el destino final, asegurando un correcto tratamiento del mismo. Asimismo, clarifica la tramitación electrónica y facilita la vigilancia y el control de los traslados por parte de las autoridades competentes. Y lo que es más importante, establece un marco normativo complementario con la futura ley residuos y suelos contaminados, cuyo trámite en el Congreso ya ha comenzado, al garantizar la trazabilidad del residuo ante la posible extensión de la responsabilidad del productor del residuo hasta el tratamiento final. July 1st will mark an important milestone in terms of legislation on domestic waste shipments within Spain. From that date onwards, it will be mandatory for administrative procedures associated with waste shipments to be carried out electronically. This has great repercussions for both producers and managers and is a positive step towards guaranteeing the traceability of waste. It will facilitate control by public authorities and reduce the current administrative burden. Waste shipment has always been one of the key issues for the environment sector, and especially for industrial and hazardous waste managers. The year 2020 marked an important milestone in this area with the publication in June of Royal Decree 553/2020, which regulates the shipment of waste within Spain. This regulation clarifies some aspects of the procedure set out in Royal Decree 180/2015 and ensures consistency of the waste shipment system with European regulations. The objective is to improve the traceability of shipments from the place of origin of the waste to the final destination in order to ensure correct treatment. The new Royal Decree also clarifies electronic procedures and facilitates the monitoring and control of shipments by the competent authorities. Most importantly, it establishes a regulatory framework that complements the forthcoming Waste and Contaminated Land Act, which has already begun its passage through Congress, by guaranteeing the traceability of waste in the context of a possible extension of the waste producer’s responsibility until final treatment. This Royal Decree is applicable to waste shipments between Autonomous Communities, with the exception of shipments of waste associated with maintenance and installation activities at waste treatment facilities, reverse logistics and shipments from private individuals to selective collection centres. In the case of shipments within each Autonomous Community, the shipment supervision and control systems of the competent authorities must be consistent with regional shipment regulations and, more specifically, with identification documents, treatment contracts and prior notification requirements. The legislation marks an important milestone for the year 2021. From July 1st, electronic procedures for waste shipments will be mandatory. This has major implications for both producers and manager because it affects shipments of waste subject to prior notification, such as hazardous waste, non-hazardous waste for landfilling and mixed household waste. These procedures can be carried out through the eSIR platform set up by the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (MITERD), or through the platforms created in the electronic headquarters of regional governments that have opted not to use the Ministry’s platform. The move to electronic procedures is a positive step towards ensuring waste traceability. It will facilitate control by public authorities and reduce administrative burdens in the long term. COMIENZA LA TRAMITACIÓN ELECTRÓNICA DE LOS RESIDUOS: RETOS Y DESAFÍOS THE BEGINNING OF ELECTRONIC PROCEDURES FOR WASTE: CHALLENGES AND OBSTACLES