FO77 - FuturEnviro

Gestión y tratamiento de agua | Water management and treatment | Febrero-Marzo February-March 2021 27 La Asociación de Aguas Residuales Staufener Bucht (Alemania) ha confiado en la tecnología de agitación hiperboloide de INVENT Umwelt- und Verfahrenstechnik AG. Tras 21 años de funcionamiento, la asociación ha tomado la decisión de sustituir los 15 agitadores HYPERCLASSIC® de la segunda generación por agitadores aún más eficientes energéticamente de la séptima generación. En 1967 se tomó la decisión en Bad Kronzingen de limpiar y tratar las aguas residuales de 24 localidades como una operación conjunta en una misma planta de tratamiento. Esto marcó el lanzamiento en 1978 de una planta central de tratamiento de aguas residuales llamada EDAR de Staufener Bucht. Cuando el número de habitantes creció y se alcanzó el limite de carga en 1993, la Asociación amplió la EDAR. En la actualidad, trata las aguas residuales de una población que ha crecido hasta los 114.000 habitantes, por lo que se cataloga como de tamaño clase 5. Mediante la aireación y la mezcla en ocho cascadas en serie, la planta consigue unas condiciones ambientales óptimas de los lodos activados y su tratamiento. Hasta mediados de los años 90, el tratamiento de las aguas residuales principalmente se centraba en la descomposición del carbono. Debido a la Ordenanza de Aguas Residuales modificada en esa época, la planta se diseñó y se equipó de acuerdo con la legislación DWA-A 131 para la eliminación de nutrientes, en particular de nitrógeno y fósforo. Como resultado de los requisitos más estrictos, el equipo existente de la planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales ya no era suficiente. Por este motivo, en 1996 se The joint wastewater association Staufener Bucht, Germany, has placed its trust in the hyperboloid mixing technology of INVENT Umwelt- und Verfahrenstechnik AG. After 21 years in operation, the association has made the decision to replace the 15 HYPERCLASSIC® mixers of the second generation with even more energy efficient mixers of the seventh generation. A resolution was made in Bad Kronzingen in 1967 to clean and treat the wastewater of 24 communities as a joint operation at a central location. This marked the launch of the powerful central wastewater treatment plant (wwtp) named Staufener Bucht. It has been in operation as a community wwtp since 1978. When the population number grew and the load limit was reached, the association expanded the wwtp in 1993. These days, it treats wastewater of a population that has since grown to 114,000, thus it is categorized under size class 5. By aerating and mixing in eight cascades in series, the plant achieves optimal environmental conditions for the activated sludge and the respective process. Until the mid 1990s, the wastewater treatment focused primarily on carbon decomposition. Due to the Wastewater Ordinance amended at the time, the plant was designed and equipped in accordance with DWA-A 131 for nutrient elimination, in particular nitrogen and phosphorus. As a result of the more stringent requirements, the existing equipment of the wastewater treatment plant was no longer sufficient. For this reason, 15 second generation HYPERCLASSIC® mixers of the same design were installed in the anoxic and optionally aerobic basins in 1996. Because the hyperboloid mixer is positioned close to the ground, radially high sediment velocities are generated to efficiently suspend the activated sludge flocks. At the same time, the high pumping capacity of the mixer ensures a thorough mixing of large volumes. In this way, the content of the basin is quickly homogenized. Until 2017, the mixers were operated with minimum maintenance requirements, trouble-free and reliably. Constant improvements in research and development in the laboratory and on largescale test benches as well as simulations by the specialists of THINK Fluid Dynamix®, the department for numeric techniques such as CFD and artificial intelligence, have over the years contributed to the improvement of the HYPERCLASSIC® mixer benchmark product. Minor changes to the mixer body, the connection to the shaft and the drive technology had a major effect on the mixer’s efficiency. As such, the seventh generation proved to deliver huge energy savings as compared to the installed LOS AGITADORES HIPERBOLOIDES DESTACAN POR SU EXCELENTE DURABILIDAD Y EFICIENCIA ENERGÉTICA HYPERBOLOID MIXERS STAND OUT WITH THEIR EXCELLENT DURABILITY AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY HYPERCLASSIC ®-Mixer Evolution 7 después de actualizar el sistema en 2017 | HYPERCLASSIC ®-Mixer Evolution 7 after upgrading the system in 2017