FuturEnviro | Octubre/Noviembre October/November 2020 www.futurenviro.es 87 Justo antes de separar férricos, existe un punto de captación de plástico film, para eliminar impropios que funciona de igual manera que la de la fracción resto, incluido el óptico de recirculación y el separador inductivo que separa aluminio. Las fracciones separadas PET, PEAD, PP, CBA, plástico mix y aluminio se dirigen a dos ópticos de triple canal donde se restiran los impropios de cada fracción realizando el control de calidad de forma automática. Todos los subproductos se almacenan en cintas-silo dotadas de radar de nivel de carga para su descarga posterior y embalado en la prensa de subproductos. Fracción planar La fracción planar es recogida por la parte superior del tramo inclinado de los separadores balísticos y contiene la mayor parte del plástico film y del papel-cartón. Esta fracción es recogida respectivamente por transportadores que la depositan directamente sobre sobre el separador óptico y se unen con el rebose del tromel >200mmmediante las cintas. All by-products are stored in silos equipped with load-level sensors and subsequently sent to the by-product baling presses. The flat fraction is collected from the top of the inclined ramp of the ballistic separators and contains most of the plastic film and paper/board fraction. This fraction is collected by conveyors, which discharge it directly into the optical sorter and it joins the trommel overflow of >200mm by means of conveyors. On falling from the conveyor above the optical sorter, the plastic film is automatically removed by means of suction hoods and sent to a baling press specifically installed for this material. There is a control point located prior to the baling press for the manual removal of inappropriate material should this be necessary. The optical sorter separates paper/board from the rest of the stream, which is sent directly to the silo conveyor. The material not sorted by the optical unit is sent to the manual sorting booth, where recoverable materials such as paper/board and drinks cartons are separated. After manual sorting, a robot separates PET, HDPE, Al and PP. The by-products recovered here fall through hoppers into storage units located under the sorting booth platform and are subsequently fed by means of a conveyor to the by-products baling press. Fraction >200 mm The fraction of greater than 200 mm is sent by conveyors along with the flat fraction from the ballistic separators and follows the route described previously. Selectively collected organic waste - SCOW The selectively collected organic waste (SCOW) is unloaded into the dedicated pit located in the reception building for this fraction. The pit has the capacity to store the waste received for more than 2 consecutive days without treatment. Complejo Medioambiental de Reciclaje (CMR) de Loeches (Madrid) | Loeches Environmental Recycling Complex (CMR) (Madrid) FuturENVIRO® FuturENVIRO®