FO74 - FuturEnviro

FuturEnviro | Octubre/Noviembre October/November 2020 119 Todos los reactivos químicos a utilizar se almacenan en depósitos instalados en el interior de un cubeto de seguridad construido en hormigón. Tratamiento de flotación de fangos: flotador DAF A la salida del coagulador-floculador laberíntico, las aguas residuales entran en un flotador por difusión de aire disuelto, que separa los fangos físico-químicos de las aguas clarificadas. En la parte delantera del flotador existe una bomba de aire presurizado que recircula el agua de entrada con parte del clarificado, inyectando aire disuelto que al entrar en la cámara de contacto favorecen la mezcla aire-agua. Las burbujas de pequeño tamaño formadas se adhieren a los flóculos y los empujan a la superficie. the sludge from this tank for mixing with the brine from reverse osmosis. The clarified water leaves the floatation unit by means of a spillway arranged at the front of the unit. The installation of a physicochemical process prior to the filters was necessary due to the fact that the concentration of solids in the leachate can vary and is, at times, very high. Buffer tanks At the outlet of the coagulation-flocculation unit, the clarified leachate is stored in the intermediate leachate tanks. These tanks serve as buffer tanks and regulate the feed flow to the reverse osmosis process. Neutralisation tank A 5 m3 tank is installed inside the container and the levels in this tank cause the activation of the pump located in the buffer tanks. The pH of the leachate in the 5 m3 tank is continuously measured. Sulphuric acid is dosed into this tank in order to adjust the pH of the leachate to approximately 6.5 and prevent the precipitation of salts or hydroxides on the membranes. These ions, which come from hard water, can precipitate as a result of the pH of the leachate itself. Acidifying the leachate causes these ions to redissolve. Moreover, the permeability of acidic water is higher. FuturENVIRO® FuturENVIRO® Complejo Medioambiental de Reciclaje (CMR) de Loeches (Madrid) | Loeches Environmental Recycling Complex (CMR) (Madrid)