FO72 - FuturEnviro

Todos estos materiales seleccionados, se prensará en formato balas mediante una prensa multiproducto, para su posterior transporte. Segunda etapa. Lavado. Para la segunda etapa del proceso se ha apostado por la tecnología del grupo Lindner El material prensado tras el proceso de clasificación se introduce, según el material que se quiera tratar, en el alimentador de la línea de lavado retirando previamente los alambres. Posteriormente se introduce en una trituradora, que reduce el material a un tamaño de 50-80 mm. El material triturado se envía a un sistema de prelavado Lindner tipo “Flotador” para separar los objetos extraños. Los siguientes pasos de lavado son lavadoras de fricción tipo “TWISTER 600” y un granulador de funcionamiento rápido para reducir el material a un tamaño final de < 15 mm. El siguiente tanque de separación, elimina los pocos materiales extraños que quedan y los desechos plásticos como el PET o el PVC de acuerdo con su peso específico. Tercera etapa. Secado. Para la tercera etapa del proceso, al igual que la anterior, se ha apostado por la tecnología Lindner. The bales of mixed plastics are fed into a Lindner Jupiter shredder, which acts as a primary shredder and a materials dosing unit. The material is then sent by conveyor belt to a ballistic separator, which separates it into flat, fine and rolling fractions. The first two fractions are considered process reject and are sent to the reject bunker for subsequent baling. The rolling fraction is sent to the optical sorters, manufactured by Pellenc and installed in a cascade arrangement. The first optical sorter separates the polypropylene fraction, which is sent to the storage bunker subsequent to passing quality control. The reject from the first optical sorter is sent to the second unit, which separates the PS fraction, which also undergoes quality control prior to being sent to the storage bunker. The material not separated thus far goes to a third optical separator, which is capable of separating EPS, PVC or PET in accordance with process needs and the condition of the material. All the separated materials are baled by means of a multi-product baling press for subsequent dispatch. Second stage.Washing. Lindner technology was chosen for the second stage of the process. After the sorting stage, the baled material selected for treatment is sent to the feeder of the washing line subsequent to the removal of any wires. It is then fed into a shredder, which reduces the material to a size of 50-80 mm. The shredded material is then sent to a Lindner pre-wash-system type “Floater” to separate foreign objects. The next washing steps are friction washers type “TWISTER 600” and a fast running Granulator to reduce the material to a final size of < 15 mm. The following separation tank, removes the few remaining foreign materials and waste plastics like PET or PVC according to their specific weight. Third stage. Drying. Lindner technology was also chosen for the third stage of the process. Once the material has been washed, it has to be dried. One mechanical drier type “Loop Dryer 1500 / 3000 ”will finally reduce the moisture content to a level < 3 %. All the water used in the previous stage and the water removed in the drying process is sent by water channels and pumps to two IWAT wastewater treatment units for cleaning, purification and subsequent reuse. Logically, not all the water can be recirculated. However, around 90% of it can be recirculated, resulting in significantly lower water consumption. Gestión y tratamiento de residuos | Waste Management & Treatment FuturEnviro | Julio-Septiembre July-September 2020 34