FO71 - FuturEnviro

Durante la crisis del COVID-19, el sector ha logrado mantener unos servicios excelentes adaptándose a las condiciones surgidas por el estado de alarma, prestándose con garantías de seguridad y continuidad, tal y como corresponde a unos servicios públicos esenciales. La adaptación a la situación ha sido ejemplar, la capacidad de respuesta de las actividades para garantizar unos servicios básicos y vitales muy adecuada, y la resiliencia mostrada nos llena de orgullo, por la normalidad cotidiana mantenida y el deber cumplido. La preparación técnica, la cualificación operativa, el grado de desarrollo tecnológico, la preocupación y las acciones para proteger al personal, la adecuada organización, la vocación de servicio de los operadores –públicos, privados o mixtos– y los claros objetivos de garantizar los servicios básicos y vitales e impulsar su resiliencia, han contribuido a mantener los niveles de prestación con continuidad, calidad, seguridad y asequibilidad para los ciudadanos y la sociedad en su conjunto –tejido productivo empresarial y actividad terciaria–. Podemos decir que, gracias al esfuerzo de los operadores de agua urbana y al resto de la cadena de valor de su actividad, en particular al de sus trabajadores, la crisis del COVID-19 no ha afectado a la prestación de los servicios, cualitativa ni cuantitativamente, ni por supuesto a su adecuado desarrollo. Ningún ciudadano ha notado ninguna carencia relevante en este sentido. Tampoco el medio ambiente se ha visto perjudicado, ni, por supuesto, los trabajadores o el empleo del sector. Desde aquí quiero agradecer al Secretario de Estado de Medio Ambiente, en representación del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico, sus recientes y reiteradas declaraciones públicas, “felicitando a los trabajadores del sector y a las entidades y empresas por su compromiso, profesionalidad, silencioso esfuerzo detrás de estas actividades de cotidianeidad, y por su comportamienThe sector has managed to maintain excellent services during the COVID-19 crisis, adapting to the conditions arising from the State of Alarm to provide the services with the guarantees of safety and continuity that correspond to essential public services. The adjustment to the situation was exemplary, as evidenced by the capacity of the different areas of the sector to respond in order to guarantee vital services. The resilience demonstrated in maintaining normal day-to-day services and carrying out our duty is a source of great pride to us. Technical and operational qualifications, the degree of technology implemented, concern for and actions taken to protect staff, appropriate organisation, the vocational approach of public, private and mixed utilities, and the clear objectives of guaranteeing basic essential services and reinforcing resilience have all helped to maintain levels of continuity, safety, citizen access and access for society in general, including manufacturing and tertiary sector access. It can be said that, due to the efforts of urban water utilities and the remainder of the associated value chain, and particularly of their employees, the COVID-19 crisis has not affected the provision of services, in terms of quality or quantity, or the manner in which these services are provided. Not one citizen has noticed any relevant shortcoming in this respect. There has been no negative effect on the environment or, of course, on workers and employment in the sector. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Secretary of State for the Environment, representing the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic challenge, for his recent, reiterated public statements “congratulating the workers, entities and companies in the sector on their commitment, professionalism and silent efforts in these day-to-day activities and on their exceptional performance”. This is the perfect response to the question posed in the opening lines of this article, in addition to being the response of the governmental authority with ultimate responsibility for water. Our strengths must include anticipating the future, planning our actions and being proactive with respect to potential events. We must, of course, applaud our sector, acknowledge our workers and congratulate ourselves on the normality achieved by our utilities, be they public, private or mixed. But we must now look ahead and prepare ourselves for the immediate future, which is full of uncertainty.We must learn from what has been achieved, from our LOS SERVICIOS DEL AGUA URBANA TRAS EL COVID-19 Frecuentemente me preguntan cómo se ha comportado el sector en la crisis vivida estos meses atrás, cuando la pandemia estaba en su situación más crítica. Pero creo que no tengo que ser yo quien conteste. Quizá lo mejor es responder con una pregunta, tal vez un poco retórica: ¿han percibido ustedes algún deterioro en los servicios de abastecimiento y saneamiento urbano durante ese periodo? POST-COVID-19 URBAN WATER SERVICES I am often asked how the sector has performed in recent months, when the crisis arising from the pandemic has been at its height. But I feel that I should not be the one to answer this question. Perhaps it would be better to respond with a question, perhaps a somewhat rhetorical question: Have you noticed any deterioration in urban water supply and sanitation services during this period? Gestión y tratamiento de agua | Water management and treatment FuturEnviro | Junio/Julio June/July 2020 23