FO67 - FuturEnviro

Gestión y tratamiento de agua | Water management and treatment FuturEnviro | Febrero February 2020 71 Se dice que solo el que se esfuerza, triunfa. Y así ha sucedido con Almar Water Solutions. Tras tres intensos años de trabajo, el 2019 se ha convertido en el año de consolidación para la compañía, la cual ha afianzado su posicionamiento en el mercado con dos adjudicaciones en Arabia Saudí y Kenia, una adquisición en Bahréin, un acuerdo estratégico en Egipto y la compra de una empresa de tratamiento de agua en Chile. MENA es la región con mayor escasez de agua del mundo, albergando solo el 1 por ciento de los recursos de agua dulce del mundo. Es por ello, que las fuentes de agua no convencional, y en particular la desalación, desempeñan un papel fundamental en la cartera de abastecimiento de agua de la región. MENA representa actualmente casi el 50 por ciento de la capacidad mundial de desalación, y su crecimiento y consolidación ha sido posible en parte por la bajada de precios de la energía y las mejoras tecnológicas, que han reducido los costes de operación de las plantas. Las innovaciones en membranas y el abastecimiento con energías renovables pueden contribuir incluso a una mayor adopción de fuentes de suministro no convencionales en toda la geografía. Almar Water Solutions nace en 2016 de la mano de Abdul Latif Jameel Energy and Environmental Services para completar la línea de negocio de agua y ofrecer así servicios medioambientales en las ramas de energía y agua. Debido a la situación estratégica de su empresa matriz y las oportunidades que ofrece la región, AlmarWater Solutions está dirigiendo actualmente sus esfuerzos en desarrollar nuevas infraestructuras hídricas en geografías como Oriente Medio y África. La desaladora de Shuqaiq 3, adjudicada y cerrada financieramente en 2019 por Almar Water Solutions, quizás es su proyecto actual más significativo por la gran capacidad de la planta, una de las más grandes del mundo. Con una capacidad de 450.000 metro cúbicos diarios de producción de agua, Shuqaiq 3 abastecerá a casi dos millones de personas en la región y se desarrollará bajo un modelo PPP durante 25 años. En este momento, el proyecto se encuentra en fase de construcción. It is said that only those who strive are successful. And that has been the experience of Almar Water Solutions. Following three intense years of hard work, 2019 was the year in which the company consolidated its position in the market, securing two contracts in Saudi Arabia and Kenya, an acquisition in Bahrain, a strategic agreement in Egypt and the acquisition of a water treatment company in Chile. The MENA regions suffers from the greatest water scarcity in the world and is home to just 1% of global freshwater resources. For this reason, non-conventional water sources, and particularly desalination, play a vital role in the region’s water supply portfolio. The MENA region currently accounts for almost 50% of global desalination capacity, and its growth and consolidation has been partially due to decreasing energy costs and technological enhancements that have reduced plant operating costs. Innovations in membranes and water supply using renewable energy can contribute to an even greater adoption of nonconventional supply sources throughout the region. Almar Water Solutions was born in 2016, as a subsidiary of Abdul Latif Jameel Energy and Environmental Services, for the purpose of completing the water business line and providing environmental services in the areas of energy and water. Owing to the strategic position of its parent company and the opportunities afforded by the region, Almar Water Solutions is currently concentrating its efforts on the development of new water infrastructures in regions such as the Middle East and Africa. The contract for the Shuqaiq 3 desalination plant was awarded to Almar Water Solutions in 2019 and financial closure for the project was achieved by the company in the same year. This is perhaps the company’s most significant current project, due to the capacity of the plant, which makes it one of the largest in the world.With a water production capacity of 450,000 cubic metres per day, Shuqaiq 3 will supply almost two million people in the region. The project will be executed within the framework of a PPP model with a 25-year contract and is currently in the construction stage. In 2019, the company also secured the contract for the first large-scale desalination plant in Kenya, which will be located in the North Mainland region, in the county of Mombasa. The plant, which will supply drinking water to over a million people, will be managed and operated for a period of 25 years, prior to transfer and is currently in the process of financial closure. Sub-Saharan Africa is a region of great challenges for the water sector, owing to population growth, breakthroughs in economic development and the severe effects of climate change. Desalination represents a source of non-conventional water that will help palliate water stress in the region and contribute to the progress of the community. In particular, the Mombasa desalination project will alleviate the 2019, EL AÑO DE CONSOLIDACIÓN DE ALMAR WATER SOLUTIONS Enfocada en dos líneas de negocio: desarrollo de proyectos y servicios, Almar Water Solutions ha finalizado el 2019 con importantes acuerdo y proyectos, y está ya trabajando en nuevas inversiones y alianzas estratégicas. 2019, THE YEAR OF CONSOLIDATION FOR ALMARWATER SOLUTIONS With the focus on two business lines; project development and services, AlmarWater Solutions ended 2019 having secured important agreements and projects, and is nowworking on new investments and strategic alliances.