FO63 - FuturEnviro

ensayo, el DSC, pasa a ser el método definitivo a utilizar en caso de controversia de resultados obtenidos con los distintos métodos de control de gelificación. Como novedad a destacar es que se ha ampliado el rango del producto hasta DN1200 mm. CEN-TS 17176-3 Accesorios Esta parte es la gran novedad, ya que hasta ahora no había normativa para los accesorios de PVC-O, ya que estos no existían en el mercado mundial hasta el lanzamiento de los accesorios ecoFITTOM® fabricados por Molecor. Dada la novedad del producto, en el comité normalización se llegó al consenso de lanzar este documento normativo como una especificación técnica (TS-Technical Specification), como paso previo a su implantación como norma de obligado cumplimiento hasta su próxima revisión dentro de 3 años. En ella se definen todas las características de los accesorios: dimensiones, resistencia a presión interna, características físicas (con las mismas consideraciones tenidas en cuenta para las tuberías) y marcado. Cabe mencionar que los accesorios se clasifican en grupos de presión, a diferencia de las tuberías que se clasifican según su MRS (resistencia mínima requerida a los 50 años). EN 17176-5. Aptitud al uso del sistema Aquí se recogen todos los aspectos relacionados con la funcionalidad del sistema, tanto las uniones entre tubos, como la unión de estos con accesorios de distintos tipos y materiales. Se mantienen los ensayos ya establecidos en la norma ISO 16422 para evaluar tanto las uniones autoblocantes como las no autoblocantes, y para los accesorios de fundición se añade un nuevo ensayo de ciclos de presión para testar el sistema. prEN 17176-7 Guía para la evaluación de la conformidad Está parte de la norma aún está en preparación dentro del comité, aunque actualmente ya se encuentra en discusión avanzada y se prevé su publicación para finales de año. to the fact that such fittings did not exist on the world market until the launch of ecoFITTOM® fittings manufactured by Molecor. Given the recent emergence of the product, the Standardisation Committee decided to publish this standardisation document as a Technical Specification (TS), a preliminary step to making it a compulsory Standard until the forthcoming review, scheduled to take place in three years. All the characteristics are defined in this TS document: dimensions, resistance to internal pressure, physical characteristics (which include the same characteristics as those specified for pipes) and markings. It should be pointed out that fittings are classified by pressure class, unlike pipes, which are classified according to MRS (minimum required strength over 50 years). EN 17176-5. Fitness for purpose of the system This section covers all aspects related to the functionality of the system, including both joints between pipes, and joints between pipes and fittings of different types and materials. The tests stipulated in the ISO 16422 Standard for the evaluation of both self-locking and non-self-locking joints are maintained. A new pressure cycling test is included for ductile iron fittings for the purpose of testing of the system. prEN 17176-7 Guide for Assessment of Conformity This part of the standard is still being prepared by the committee, although discussions are currently at an advanced stage and publication is expected by the end of the year. As the title itself suggests, it is not a Standard as such, but rather a guide that sets out the controls that should be carried out in the manufacturing process and the frequency with which they should be carried out. It also includes information on permitted changes in the product and in the manufacturing process. This guide may be taken into consideration by bodies responsible for assessing conformity when setting out the tests to be carried out in product certification audits. However, this is not compulsory and assessment bodies can accept the requirements set out in the guide as minimum requirements, in addition to stipulating additional tests and frequencies. Adoption in Spain Unlike ISO Standards, which can be adopted or not, and/or modified in accordance with the criteria of each member state, European Standards published by the European Standardisation Committee (CEN) must be adopted without modification by all Committee member states. Therefore, Spain, like all other European Union member states, is obliged to adopt the Standard prior to the established deadline of October 31, 2019. By this date, the Standard must be implemented in the standardisation system of each country and all national Standards that might not be compatible with the new Standard must be done away with. The Spanish Standardisation Association is currently working on the translation of the Standard so that it can be implemented Gestión y tratamiento de agua | Water management and treatment FuturEnviro | Agosto-Septiembre August-September 2019 51