FO63 - FuturEnviro

Gestión y tratamiento de agua | Water management and treatment FuturEnviro | Agosto-Septiembre August-September 2019 48 algo descolocadas en las últimas legislaturas, por lo que estarían mejor adscritas de nuevo a Fomento, donde ya han demostrado su eficacia en la ejecución y explotación de las grandes infraestructuras hidráulicas de este país. Ojalá me equivoque, pero nos vamos a arrepentir de no haber encargado el contenido del Libro Verde a un centro oficial reconocido internacionalmente y con experiencia como consultora oficial de la Administración del Agua como es el CEDEX. En este sentido, mal encaminada va la política del agua en España si se diseña sin tener en cuenta desde el minuto cero el criterio de los principales usuarios del agua, que son los regantes, y se le cede la responsabilidad a nuevas corrientes ecologistas que rayan el extremismo al defender que las cuencas no tienen déficits sino demasiada demanda y que para reducirla hay que incrementar las costes del agua. Water management, like the management of any other type of infrastructure, requires single-minded and technically qualified organisation. Unfortunately, the experience of recent years has proved us right and the River Basin Management Authorities, who have done great work in the 90 years of their existence, have been somewhat displaced in recent legislatures. Therefore, it would be better to place them once again under the auspices of the Ministry of Development, where they have demonstrated their efficiency in the construction and management of Spain’s largescale water infrastructures. I hope to be mistaken, but we shall regret not commissioning the content of the Green Paper to the CEDEX (Spanish National PublicWorks Research Centre), an internationally recognised official centre with experience as an official adviser to the Water Authorities.Water policy in Spain is on the wrong path if it is designed from the outset without taking account of the considerations of the main water users, irrigators, and if the responsibility is handed over to new ecological schools of thought, which border on extremism by defending the position that river basins do not have deficits but excessive demand and that in order to reduce this demand, water prices must be increased. Andrés del Campo Presidente de Fenacore President of Fenacore