FO62 - FuturEnviro

dad del residuo, cualquier desviación anómala sobre una densidad media puede indicar que la calidad de ese residuo pueda ser mala, y por tanto generar por parte de la entidad local una acción concreta de monitorización o concienciación en un barrio determinado. Integrada con la planta 4.0 En este sentido, cabe señalar que TheCircularLab, el centro de innovación de Ecoembes en materia de economía circular, ha apostado por el modelo de Industria 4.0 -Planta 4.0. Esto ha permitido desarrollar nuevas tecnologías de control y optimización del ciclo de tratamiento y trabajar en la optimización de la eficiencia en el caracterizado y trazado automático de los residuos de entradas, así como en el control de flujos en las plantas de selección. Estos datos pueden ser obtenidos por la plataforma Smart Waste, que puede correlacionarlos con los datos relativos al proceso de recogida de residuos. De esta manera, podremos llegar a adaptar la configuración de una planta dependiendo de la procedencia del residuo, dado que puede haber hábitos distintos en la generación de residuos entre distintas zonas. En definitiva, SmartWaste es una plataforma de colaboración entre todos los agentes de interés en el ámbito de gestión de residuos en particular y de Ciudades o Territorios Inteligentes en general. those with greater difficulties. For example, we can seek to bring containers closer to places with older populations so that users walk shorter distances.With the help of Smart Waste, we can simulate changes in container location and heatmaps are automatically created with the best and worst attended areas. Route optimisation Waste containers are amongst the first elements to be fitted with sensors when Smart Cities are implemented, in order to measure their fill level, in some cases, temperature, or to provide other information, such as whether they have been overturned or moved, which is detected by accelerometers. This enables us to optimise collection routes, so that containers are emptied when they are full, for example. With Smart Waste, we can locate containers in more significant places with a higher degree of representativeness, thus facilitating fill level forecasting in other similar districts, thanks to the populational context offered by the platform. Fill sensors can also be used to estimate the quantity and quality of waste deposited by citizens. Through the onboard weighing technologies implemented on trucks, we can know the weight of each collection. If we add that fact that the fill sensor allows us to estimate the density of the waste, any anomalous deviation from average density may be indicative of poor waste quality, and the local body responsible can carry out specific monitoring or awareness actions in the neighbourhood in question. Integrated with the plant 4.0 TheCircularLab, the Ecoembes circular economy innovation centre, is committed to the Industry 4.0 - Plant 4.0 model. This has enabled the development of new control technologies and optimisation of the treatment cycle. It has also facilitated the optimisation of efficiency in automatic characterisation and tracing of incoming waste streams and the control of streams at material recovery facilities. These data can be obtained by the Smart Waste platform and correlated with data associated with the waste collection process. In this way, the configuration of a plant can be adapted depending on the origin of the waste and the potentially different waste generation habits in different districts. Smart Waste is ultimately a cooperation platform for all stakeholders, particularly in the area of waste management and, in more general terms, in the area of Smart Cities or Territories. Fernando Sanz Especialista de Innovación en Ecoembes Innovation Specialist at Ecoembes Gestión y tratamiento de residuos | Waste Management & Treatment FuturEnviro | Julio July 2019 63 Figura 4: Información de un elemento | Figure 4: Information from a container