FO59 - FuturEnviro

A fondo | In depth FuturEnviro | Abril April 2019 18 El Sector irá incorporando en mayor medida nuevos perfiles profesionales vinculados con las tecnologías digitales, la comunicación y la gestión política. Estas Guías Técnicas españolas elaboradas por AQUA ESPAÑA tienen el objetivo de ser un referente técnico para el Sector, tal y como ya lo fueron otras elaboradas por la Asociación. Ejemplos destacados fueron la guía relativa a sustancias para agua potable y la guía para el aprovechamiento en edificios colectivos y viviendas, mediante sistemas de aprovechamiento de aguas pluviales y reciclaje de aguas grises. Con ellas, esperamos facilitar que el sector desarrolle sus servicios técnicos mediante las buenas prácticas profesionales y empresariales, y que así avance técnica y económicamente. Este 2019 también será el de la extensión de la implementación de la UNE 100030 de prevención y control de la Legionella, que inspirará la nueva legislación en España en la materia. Un área de enorme importancia para la salud pública y en la que AQUA ESPAÑA ha tenido históricamente un papel destacado, representando los intereses del sector empresarial implicado comprometidos con la salud pública y la eficiencia en todo el ciclo del agua. Finalmente, pero para nada menos importante, en 2019 veremos seguramente aumentar las relaciones internacionales en el Sector. Tanto a nivel empresarial, en el marco de la compra venta de empresas, más allá del simple intercambio comercial o tecnológico; como a nivel asociativo. En los países del centro de Europa existe una profunda consciencia sobre la necesidad de actuar coordinadamente a nivel europeo. Un enfoque que ilustra la comprensión que Europa compite realmente con China y Estados Unidos, y sus Estados Miembros deben cooperar más que competir. Por todo ello, veremos nuevas iniciativas colaborativas, tanto en el marco de la I+D+i, como en el normativo y el legislativo. Y seguramente más rápidamente en el plano normativo, pues las normas técnicas están llamadas a ser el referente de las futuras leyes sectoriales, tal como recientemente hemos empezado a ver en el Sector, de manera generalizada. Tendremos pues un 2019 de interesantes iniciativas empresariales y políticas, con componentes cada vez más vinculados al mundo digital y a los retos de la gobernanza hídrica. Y en este desafío se requiere que todos los stakeholders del sector participen y lo hagan con honestidad, profesionalidad,cooperación, transparencia y responsabilidad. social security contributions and tax revenues, and consequently influences the possibility of investment and public expenditure in water infrastructures, etc. And the latter because it is vital in a country with very high municipal fragmentation that has repeatedly received sanctions for non-compliance with European water treatment regulations. In Spain, over 5,800 municipalities have less than 2,000 inhabitants. This represents 72% of municipalities in the state, and brings with it all the different costs associated with such a degree of fragmentation, including water management costs. The Sector will incorporate more andmore professional profiles associated with digital technologies, communication and policy management. The Spanish Technical Guides created by AQUA ESPAÑA have the objective of serving as a technical reference for the Sector, in the same way as other guides previously published by the Association. Outstanding examples include the guide on substances for drinking water and the guide on water use in multi-occupancy and apartment buildings, through systems for availing of rain water and grey water. Our aim with these guides is to help the Sector to develop its technical services through good professional and business practices, thereby facilitating technical and economic progress. 2019 will also see extended implementation of UNE 100030 standard on the prevention and control of legionella, which will be the backbone of new Spanish legislation in this area. This is an area of immense importance for public health and one in which AQUA ESPAÑA has historically played a leading role, representing the interests of the business sector involved, in a spirit of commitment to public health and efficiency throughout the entire urban water cycle. Last but not least, 2019 will almost certainly see intensification of international relations in the Sector. This will occur both on a business level, within the framework of buying and selling beyond simple commercial or technological exchange, and also at the level of trade associations. In central European countries, there is a deep awareness of the need for coordinated action at European level. This approach highlights the awareness that Europe is really competing with China and the United States, and that EUMember States should cooperate more than compete. For all these reasons, we will see new cooperative initiatives in the area of R&D&i as well as in terms of standards and legislation. And this will most probably occur sooner in the area of standards, because technical standards are destined to be the reference for future sectoral laws, as we have recently begun to see in the Sector in general. 2019 will, therefore, be a year of interesting business and policy initiatives, with elements increasingly linked to the digital world and the challenges of water governance. And to meet this challenge, all stakeholders will have to participate with honesty, professionalism, cooperation, transparency and responsibility.