FO56 - FuturEnviro

Gestión y tratamiento de residuos | Waste Management & Treatment FuturEnviro | Diciembre 2018-Enero 2019 December 2018-January 2019 63 Frente al tradicional modelo económico lineal están surgiendo nuevas alternativas que proponen sustituir el ‘producir, usar y tirar’ por el ‘reducir, reutilizar y el reciclar’ con el fin de implementar modelos más sostenibles con el medioambiente y más rentables para las empresas basados en una economía circular. Dentro del concepto de economía circular los residuos dejan de ser basura para convertirse de nuevo en productos de valor optimizando así el uso de los recursos a lo largo de toda la cadena productiva. Con el fin de explorar modelos de negocio innovadores para fomentar la economía circular dentro del tejido empresarial europeo se ha puesto en marcha el proyecto CIRC4Life-Un modelo de economía circular para el ciclo de vida de productos y servicios. Enmarcado dentro de la Estrategia Europa 2020 que propone un crecimiento económico inteligente, sostenible e integrador, este proyecto busca desarrollar un enfoque circular para el ciclo de vida de productos y servicios cotidianos. De forma general, el proyecto busca establecer nuevas conexiones entre fabricantes y consumidores y crear nuevos puestos de trabajo y modelos de negocios, así como consensuar recomendaciones a nivel legislativo en el ámbito europeo. CIRC4Life, financiado con 7,2millones de euros provenientes de fondos europeos y liderado por la Universidad de Nottingham Trent, trabaja en tres nuevos modelos de negocio de economía circular que se desarrollarán a lo largo de la cadena de valor de productos del sector eléctrico y electrónico (iluminación LED, tabletas…) y del agroalimentario (cadena de suministro de carne, agricultura…). El consorcio internacional lo completan ocho industrias, cuatro centros de investigación, dos universidades y un grupo de expertos en políticas europeas (think tank), entre los que se encuentra CIRCE, ALIA, Recyclia e Indumental Recycling. Este proyecto facilitará la cocreación de modelos de negocio sostenibles, afectando positivamente a la buena marcha de la economía, ya que aspira a generar nuevos puestos de trabajo, aumentar las exportaciones y, por tanto, incrementar el PIB. Según Eurostat (2017), la adopción de medidas adicionales para aumentar la productividad de los recursos en Europa en un 30% en 2030 podría impulsar el PIB en torno al 1%. Además, según la misma fuente, en Europa hay alrededor de 21 millones de pymes que podrían verse beneficiadas con la adopción de New alternatives to the traditional linear economy are emerging. These new options propose replacing the “produce, use and throw” philosophy with one based on “reduction, reuse and recycling”. The aim is to implement more environmentally sustainable and profitable models for companies, based on a circular economy. Within the circular economy concept, waste ceases to be seen as such and is converted once again into products of value, thereby optimising the use of resources throughout the production chain. The CIRC4Life project-”A circular economy approach for lifecycles of products and services” - was born with the aim of exploring innovative business models to foster the circular economy within the European business community. The project falls within the framework of the Europe 2020 Strategy, which proposes intelligent, sustainable, integrating economic growth, and seeks to develop a circular approach for the lifecycles of everyday goods and services. In general terms, the project aims to establish new connections between producers and consumers, and to create new jobs and business models, in addition to seeking consensus on legislative recommendations for Europe. CIRC4Life is funded to the tune of 7.2 million euro by European funds and led by the Nottingham Trent University. The project is working on three new circular economy business models, which will be developed throughout the value chain of products from the electrical and electronic equipment sector (LED lighting, tablets…) and the agro-food sector (meat supply chain, agriculture…). The international consortium is completed by eight industrial companies, four research centres, two universities and a group of experts in European policies (think tank), one of which is the CIRCE, ALIA, Recyclia and Indumental Recycling. This project will facilitate the co-creation of sustainable business models. It will have a positive effect on economic progress, as it aspires to create jobs, increase exports and, consequently, GDP. According to Eurostat (2017), the adoption of additional measures to increase the productivity of resources in Europe by 30% by 2030 could lead to an increase in GDP of around 1%. Moreover, according to the same source, Europe has around 21 million SMEs that could benefit from the adoption of the sustainable models proposed by CIRC4Life. Therefore, the implementation of this approach would not only create new opportunities of value aimed at consumers, but it would also give rise to more efficient use of resources, thereby reducing the costs of companies. Globally, it is estimated that the measures proposed by the project will provide net savings of up to 600 billion euro for European companies and an increase of 8% in their annual turnover. The first CIRC4Life model is based on the co-creation of products and services that will bring end users closer to the design and production stages. Users will identify their preferences by means of big data tools and ‘living labs’. The second model will analyse the sustainability of products throughout their lives and a mobile app will be developed to enable customers to know the environmental impact of these products. LA ECONOMÍA CIRCULAR LE DA LA VUELTA A LOS RESIDUOS CIRCE participa en el proyecto europeo CIRC4Life, financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del programa Horizon 2020, que busca que empresas y consumidores colaboren para fomentar líneas de negocio más sostenibles y rentables CIRCULAR ECONOMY TURNS WASTE AROUND CIRCE is participating in the European CIRC4Life project, funded by the European Commission as part of the Horizon 2020 programme. The project seeks cooperation between companies and consumers to foster more sustainable and more profitable business lines.