FO56 - FuturEnviro

En Portada | Cover Story FuturEnviro | Diciembre 2018-Enero 2019 December 2018-January 2019 6 A éstas se sumó en 2017, Ecolum, fundación dedicada a la recogida selectiva y el reciclaje de los residuos de lámparas, luminarias y rótulos luminosos. Desde entonces, Recyclia ofrece a los productores de todo tipo de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos, tanto domésticos como profesionales, un servicio integral de recogida y reciclaje de todas las categorías de residuos establecidas en las normativas española y comunitaria, incluidos los paneles fotovoltaicos, además de las baterías de vehículo eléctrico e híbrido. Bajo la forma constitutiva de Sistemas Colectivos de Responsabilidad Ampliada del Productor (SCRAP), Ecoasimelec, Ecofimática y Ecopilas fueron pioneros en su ámbito, al decidir los productores, voluntariamente, responsabilizarse de la organización y financiación de la recogida y el reciclaje de los aparatos y pilas que ponen en el mercado, al final de su vida útil, adelantándose a las primeras Directivas europeas, del 2002 y 2006. Hasta la puesta enmarcha de estos sistemas, lamayoría de los RAEE generados en nuestro país acababan en vertederos o trituradores, sin pasar por ningún tipo de tratamiento de descontaminación previo. Actualmente, aunque aún queda trabajo por hacer para situar a España al nivel de países con más tradición como los nórdicos, el panorama ha cambiado notablemente, dando buena muestra de ello los resultados de Recyclia. Así, Recyclia es la entidad del sector de gestión de residuos con más empresas fabricantes e importadoras de dispositivos electrónicos y pilas adheridas, concretamente 1.354 organizaciones. Este total de empresas comercializan uno de cada cuatro aparatos domésticos y uno de cada dos de uso profesional puestos en el mercado en nuestro país. Ecolum, a foundation dedicated to the selective collection and recycling of waste lighting, light fittings and luminous signs, joined the platform in 2017. Since then, Recyclia has offered producers of all types of domestic and professional electrical and electronic equipment an integrated collection and recycling service for all categories of waste set out in Spanish and EU legislation, including photovoltaic panels, and batteries from electric and hybrid vehicles. Taking the form of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) collective management systems, Ecoasimelec, Ecofimática and Ecopilas were pioneers in their field, because it was the producers themselves who voluntarily assumed responsibility for organising and financing the collection and recycling of the end-of-life equipment and batteries they placed on the market, thereby proactively anticipating the first European Directives of 2002 and 2006. Until these systems went into operation, most WEEE generated in Spain ended up in landfills or shredders, without undergoing any type of prior decontamination treatment. Although there is still work to be done to put Spain at the same level as countries with greater tradition in this area, such as the Scandinavian countries, the scenario has changed considerably, and the results obtained by Recyclia provide a good indication of this. Recyclia is the waste management platform with the largest number of members amongst manufacturers and importers of electronic devices and batteries, with a total of 1,354 member organisations. These companies market one of every four domestic appliances and one of every two professional appliances placed on the market in Spain. According to the latest audited figures, in 2017 the environmental foundations that make up Recyclia recycled more than 30,000 tonnes of electronic waste, the first time that this figure had been exceeded. That year, they managed a total of 32,786 tonnes, 15% up on 2016. Since their creation, these foundations have recycled a total of 213,365 tonnes. In 2017, Recyclia also exceeded the figure of 54,000 proprietary WEEE and battery collection points, making this the biggest network of its type in Spain. These results put Recyclia in a consolidated and well supported position in the electronic waste recycling sector, both in Spain and internationally. The experience gained endows the organisation with the necessary know-how to adapt to legislative and market changes. RECYCLIA, EFFICIENCY AND RESPONSIBILITY The Recyclia environmental platformwas born in April 2012. The purpose of the platformwas to avail of synergies, and the experience and knowledge of recycling waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), and batteries and accumulators, gained over 15 years by the Ecoasimelec, Ecofimática/Tragamóvil and Ecopilas foundations. RECYCLIA, EFICACIA Y RESPONSABILIDAD La plataforma medioambiental Recyclia nació en abril de 2012, para aprovechar sinergias y aunar la experiencia y el conocimiento del sector del reciclaje de residuos de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos (RAEE) y pilas y baterías, acumulados durante 15 años por las fundaciones Ecoasimelec, Ecofimática/Tragamóvil y Ecopilas.