www.futurenviro.es FuturEnviro | Diciembre 2018-Enero 2019 December 2018-January 2019 45 A fondo: Análisis 2018 | In depth: Analysis of 2018 Uno de los principios mas razonables en medio ambiente y que crea la base de muchas normas es: “quién contamina paga”. Bajo este principio y en relación a la generacion de residuos, se define la responsabilidad ampliada del productor. Desde hace más de 15 años se ha aplicado este principio a la mayoría de flujos de residuos. Replicando exitos y evitando errores de los que nos preceden, ahora le toca el turno a los residuos textiles. Ecotextil permitirá a españa a estar preparada para el 2024 cuando europa nos exija objetivos de reciclado textil. ECOTEXTIL es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro constituida el pasado mes de agosto como resultado de los encuentros que hemos mantenido durante más de dos años un grupo multidisciplinar de técnicos y expertos en la materia cuya carrera profesional se ha desarrollado en la gestión de residuos. Profesionales expertos en: prevención y ecodiseño, recogida y tratamiento, innovación, comunicación y legislación, nos hemos planteado cual debería ser el próximo paso a dar en cuanto a la gestión sostenible de los residuos. Y el resultado ha sido éste; el sector textil ha de ponerse las pilas y dejar de ser un azote para medio ambiente. ECOTEXTIL plantea la batería completa de medidas y acciones que bajo el paraguas que establece la jerarquía de residuos que marca Europa: reducción, reutilización, reciclaje, valorización energética y por último eliminación son necesarias para garantizar una correcta gestión de los residuos textiles. En cada etapa ha de garantizarse la trazabilidad así como el impulso de la innovación, y de ciertos escalones de la pirámide más débiles como: la prevención o reciclado. “El momento es ahora ya que europa a finales del 2024, nos exigirá un porcentaje de reciclado de residuos textil y en este momento, a día de hoy, no tenemos datos ni de lo que producimos, ni de lo que se vende, ni de lo que estamos recuperando” La finalidad de ECOTEXTIL es promover la constitución de un SIGSistema Integrado de Gestión de Residuos de textil o SCRAP-Sistema Colectivo de Responsabilidad Ampliada del Productor en el territorio nacional. Para ello es necesario la conciliación entre los One of the most reasonable environmental principles and one which creates the basis for much legislation is “the polluter pays”. Extended producer responsibility for waste generation is defined under this principle. For 15 years, this principle has been applied to most waste streams. It is now the turn of textile waste and our goal is to reproduce the success and avoid the errors of those who have preceded us. Ecotextil will allow spain to be ready for 2024, when europe will impose textile recycling targets. ECOTEXTIL is a non-profit association founded in August 2018 as the result of meetings held over a two-year period by a multi-disciplinary group made up of technical specialists and experts in this area, whose professional careers have been associated with waste management. Expert professionals in prevention and ecodesign, collection and treatment, innovation, communication and legislation posed ourselves the question as to what should be our next step in the area of sustainable waste management. And this is the result; the textile industry has to roll up its sleeves and stop being a scourge to the environment. ECOTEXTIL plans a full battery of measures and actions. Under the umbrella of the waste hierarchy set by Europe (reduction, reuse, recycling, energy recovery and, lastly, disposal), these measures and actions are needed to ensure correct management of textile waste. In each stage it is necessary to guarantee traceability, and promote innovation and weaker tiers of the pyramid, such as prevention and recycling. “The time is now because at the end of 2024, europe will demand that recycling targets for textile waste be met. At this point in time, we do not even have figures on what we produce, what we sell or what we are recovering” The aim of ECOTEXTIL is to promote the creation of an Integrated Management System (IMS) or Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) collective management system for textiles at national level in Spain. To do so, it is necessary to achieve conciliation between all the actors involved: textile producers; current textile waste managers, whom it is estimated do not manage more than 7-8% of this waste; legislators, who have to define the necessary regulations; citizens, who must be well informed; and, above all, the social and commercial organisations that have been working in this field for many years, without whose collaboration it would not have been possible to initiate this project. Textile waste reuse, giving this waste a second life without using energy or causing emissions in the process, must be considered the second most important route to be fostered, after prevention, of course.We can see that there are currently many initiatives, new measures, containers, recycling processes and new materials, but these continue to be quite sporadic and provide merely a token solution rather than one that is truly sufficient. LA CREACIÓN DE ECOTEXTIL GENERÁ SINERGIAS, ENTENDIMIENTO Y CONCILIACIÓN ENTRE TODOS LOS ACTORES INVOLUCRADOS EN SECTOR TEXTIL Belén Vázquez de Quevedo Algora, Secretaria General ECOTEXTIL THE CREATION OF ECOTEXTIL GENERATES SYNERGIES, UNDERSTANDING AND CONCILIATION AMONGST ALL ACTORS IN THE TEXTILE SECTOR Belén Vázquez de Quevedo Algora, General Secretary at ECOTEXTIL