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abs ASSOCIATIONS FEPYMA: Less than 1% of authorized lift companies hold more than 80% of the total turnover of new and maintenance work, but not in terms to workforce or taxes. The adviser of the Spanish Federation of Lift SMEs (Federación Española de Pymes de Ascensores - Fepyma) discusses the reasons for this statistical anomaly in overall production. GEDAC: On 15 June, the Catalonian Lifts Guild held its General Assembly. The Barcelona Association of Quantity Surveyors and Technical Architects is once again holding the rehabilitation week and fair, Rehabilita 2016. The Guild, member of the Rehabilita Strategic Committee and the OBRA Association, Barcelona Observatory for Architectural Rehabilitation, works in technical office along with the Government The Catalonian Lifts Guild receives the award for company-vocational training collaboration. At the request of some teachers who teach lift-related subjects in the electro-mechanical maintenance training course, the Guild proposed to the Department of Education the possibility of conducting specific training in electrical manoeuvres and installations for lifts as a training course aimed at teachers at vocational training schools attached to the Convention of the Guild with the Department of Education. AECAE: To update the figures for the sector in the 3rd Strategic Plan, AECAE, Association of Manufacturers of Components for Lifting Appliances, has asked its collaborator ITM Consulting, E-Informa agent, for a survey of vertical transport figures in Spain, which we attach below. As a novelty compared to other reports we have included the production figures, since usually only the figures for installation and maintenance were included. FEEDA: Jose Manuel Rodriguez, president of the FEEDA Communication and Statistics Commission, discusses the impact of the new European Directive on the lift industry. The FEEDA Annual General Meeting held in July reaffirmed its commitment to continue in the line of collaboration that it has held to date with the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism. Upon completion of the data collection process for the preparation of statistics that help us gauge the capacity of the lift sector in Spain, FEEDA recently published the results thereof. The Region of Madrid is considering the implementation of a ‘Renovation Plan’ aimed at saving energy and improving safety in escalators. The importance of awarding the inspection of lifts to the most competent control bodies and the need for all of them to have uniform criteria was the focus of the conference organized by FEDAOC (Spanish Federation of Control Organization Associations), attended by FEEDA as a guest company. ELG (European Lifts Group) has signed trade agreements with Edel, S.L. Electrónica de elevadores -a company specializing in control units, electrical installations and electronic components for lifts- and Wittur Elevator Components S.A.U., manufacturer of components, modules and complete lifts for the lift industry. ELA: After three years of hard work and many public consultations, the Product Category Rules (PCR) for lifts were finally published in October 2015 and made available to the lift industry and the world in general REPORTS How will the Brexit affect the lift industry? The consequences of the departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union in the view of LEIA, ELA and FEEDA. With a forecast of a minimum of two years for the United Kingdom and the European Union to negotiate the terms of the country’s leaving, the main consequence of the Brexit today is uncertainty in virtually all markets. That is why we have contacted the main associations at British, European and Spanish level to try to clarify the possible consequences of this political upheaval for the lift sector. EVENTS Future Industry Congress: A total of 25 experts were responsible for analysing the days in the Future Industry Congress held in Barcelona on 14 and 15 June; how new industrial and digital technologies are shaping the new 4.0 factory, anticipating the potential of advanced digital, connected industry to drive reindustrialization. The next Interlift event, which will 64 - Ascensores y Montacargas