
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La Fundación del Jamón Serrano Español participa en Anuga

The Foundation of the Ham Serrano Spanish participates in Anuga


26 November 2013

The Foundation of the Ham Serrano Spanish it participated once again in the international fair Anuga 2013, that celebrated  of the 5 to the 9 of this month in the enclosure ferial Koelnmesse of Colony (Germany). The Foundation it had the program of Original European ‘promotion Flavors. The Mediterranean Essence' in which it participated with other two emblematic products of the Spanish gastronomy like the wines of Bank of Duero and the oil of Baena.

Anuga It is the fair of greater importance and international prestige, and during five days gathered to operators of the alimentary sector (producing, distributors, wholesale, retail, chains of shops…) of Germany and of other a lot of countries, what turns it into a world-wide referent of the sector of the feeding and a shop window of first level for the products of quality differentiated like the Ham Serrano of the Foundation.

During the days of the living room, the Foundation it carried out a complete program of presentations and tastings, demonstrations of cut, draws, etc., including show-cooking in direct and tasting of cover Spaniards with ham serrano elaborated by the chef Fernando of the Hill, of the restaurant Marries José, Aranjuez (Madrid), awarded with a star Michelin. Of the same way, realizar  other actions of parallel promotion to the development of the fair, to reinforce the presence of the hams serranos of the Foundation in the German market.

In this field, the companies associated to the Foundation they could develop the timely commercial relations with his customers or schedule and set up new contacts and possibilities of business.

Related Companies or Entities

Fundación del Jamón Serrano
Koelnmesse GmbH

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