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'Food Values': The assessment of the alimentary products and the products of suitability keep on being one of the subjects of big interest

Anuga 2013: the platform ferial more important for the international business of the feeding

Editorial Interempresas11/10/2013

With some excellent results, the 32ª Anuga closed his doors on 9 October 2013. During five days, some 155.000 professional visitors pertinent of 187 countries filled of activity the stands of the 6.777 display units. In this way, the Anuga did honour to his so much national importance like international for the commercial activities in the whole world for the sector of the feeding, converting Colony in the centre of the world-wide activity. With a foreign participation of around 6%, the Anuga has showed that it is the international commercial platform for the trade of alimentary and drunk products.

The Anuga “is the platform ferial international more important of the world for the businesses with alimentary products” has manifested, resumiendo the result of the contest, Gerald Böse, president of the council of steering of Koelnmesse GmbH. “In any another place joins the offer with the demand to this level of quality and efficiency as in the Anuga”. With this, the Anuga does honour to his so much national importance like international for the commercial activities in the whole world for the sector of the feeding. The companies expositoras have praised the quality and internacionalidad of the professional visitors that have attended to the fair and ensure to have kept intense negotiations to a high level of decision.

Friedhelm Dornseifer, president of the Federal Association of the German Trade of the Feeding (BVLH), has resaltado besides the importance of the Anuga like forum for the world of the politics and of the economy: “ministers and secretaries of state of all the world have come to Germany to visit the Anuga. This important presence underlines the value that concedes to the fair the world-wide sector of the feeding. Besides, it reflects the fact that the Anuga is an important platform of dialogue for the international politics. The big presence of delegations of economic political character underlines of impressesive form the prestige that it enjoys the Anuga in the international politics”.

The Princes of Asturias, Don Felipe and Mrs. Letizia, visitraron the stands Spanish in Anuga 2013

The Princes of Asturias, Don Felipe and Mrs. Letizia, visitraron the stands Spanish in Anuga 2013.

“As we have been able to go back to check in the Anuga, the increasing popularity that they enjoy abroad the alimentary products Germans of quality promotes the sustainable growth of the sector” has declared the Dr. Werner Ingold, president of the Federal Association of the German Industry of the Feeding (BVE). “The alimentary products of Germany never had had the high level of quality, the hygiene, some so attractor trucks prices and a so wide variety as now. Thus we have to reinforce the image of our products and spread the quality of our manufacturers. The Anuga has provided impulses of future to the world of the economy and of the politics”.

Gerald Böse: “In any another place joins the offer with the demand to this level of quality and efficiency as in the Anuga”

Also the Dehoga, Federal Association, self-evident that the final balance of the contest has been really positive. Ingrid Hartges, general office, has said that “the success obtained in these days of fair in Colony have put of self-evident of impressesive form the importance of the Anuga for our sector. Professionals of the gastronomy, bosses of kitchen and directors of company have taken advantage of the offer of the Anuga like source of inspiration and of information. The ‘Dehoga Market of the gastronomy' has been the meeting point of the gastronomic sector”.

The environingingment of the Anuga has been characterised by the businesses and the commercial relations. Executives of the national and international trade, leaders of the world of the import and stood out companies of catering have obtained complete informations on the offer. A lot of companies inform to have realizar satisfactory commercial operations. In general, as self-evident the spokesman of a company, expects a good business posferial. Again, the industry of the feeding has taken advantage of the possibilities that offers the Anuga like shop window of the offer of the sector. New products like result of evolved methods of production and new concepts of marketing have provided impulses to the world of the alimentary products and the beverages.

Pavilion 10.1 of the Anuga 2013
Pavilion 10.1 of the Anuga 2013.

On the tendencies

Follow winning terrain the products of suitability. The chain of the feeding does echo with this of consistent form of the demand by part of an every time greater number of people that have to adapt his alimentary habits to the needs of his new lifestyle. In this sense, more and more manufacturers and commercial marks have like aim, beside the quality, the appearances related with the satisfaction, the freshness of the products, the health and the sustainability.

‘Food Values'

The subject of the assessment of the products has centred also the exchanges of opinions that have carried out in the Anuga. The lemma ‘Food Values' low the one who has carried out the debate has put of relief changes in the behaviour of the consumers and the efforts that realizar the sector to achieve more dialogue and transparency.

Inside the tendencies, have presented also in the fair offer devoted to objective groups determined like vegetarians, vegans or people with intolerance to determinate alimentary products. It has kept constant the interest by the ecological alimentary products, by products of just trade and by regional specialitys.

The next Anuga will celebrate of the 10 to 14 October 2015.

Related Companies or Entities

Anuga Food Tec
Koelnmesse GmbH

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