
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Alimentaria 2014 busca compradores en mercados emergentes

Alimentary 2014 looks for buyers in emergent markets


3 July 2013

Alimentary, one of the main living rooms on feeding, began his trip by half world to identify and open new external markets to the companies expositoras of his next edition, that will take place of 31 March to 3 April. The living room of Alimentary Exhibitions pretends to centre his actions of international promotion in the Latin American markets, North American and Asian where the exports agroalimentarias have big potential of growth. After keeping glimpsed with companies distributors, importing and associations of Japan, EE UU, Dubai and Mexico, the organisation will continue the research of buyers in China, Brazil and France, since also Europe continues being preferential destination.

The Alimentary edition 2012 had Karlos Arguiñano as invited special

The Alimentary edition 2012 had Karlos Arguiñano as invited special.

The general director of the Living room, J. Antonio Valls, recognises that in this edition, Alimentary is absolutely dumped in the internationalisation to reinforce the external vocation of the sector and contribute to that the companies participants access to new markets. Valls Ensures that the main aim is that the living room "exhibit the magnitude and the exporting potential of the market agroalimentario to the international operators". In this sense for Alimentary 2014, foresees increase the visit of international buyers and achieve agendar more than 8.000 meetings of work between display units and professional of delegations visitors of 60 countries.

In his previous edition, the Living room of Feeding, increased 11% the number of foreign visitors, attracting to near of 40.000 professionals of 143 countries, mostly of Europe, Latin America and Asia.

Related Companies or Entities

Alimentaria Barcelona - Alimentaria Exhibitions, S.A.

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