Inkiele, S.L. - Canned anchovy fisheries


Pickled anchovies: with olive oil

Picture of Pickled anchovies
Anchovies selected and elaborated of way artesanal. Presented pickled and dressed with olive oil, garlic and parsley.

Elaborated only with cool anchovies of the Mediterranean, Bay of Biscay and Atlantic.

Only natural preservatives (salt, vinegar and oil.)

They fulfil with the R.D. 1420/2006 that ensures the elimination of the parasite Anisakis.

This product does not contain gluten.

The blue fish is rich in omega 3 and, therefore, help to the prevention of cardiovascular illnesses.

Available in rectangular container of 800 g., 350 g. And 175 g. And also in container of glass of 220 g.

Ingredients: filetes of anchovy, olive oil, vinegar, salt, garlic and parsley.