Comercial Señorío de Sarría, S.A. - Canned asparagus

Señorío de Sarria

Espárragos White extragruesos: of 5/8 fruit

Picture of Espárragos White extragruesos

Espárragos, water, salt and acidulante And-330

Specifications product:

-8 cm of High/ diameter 17 cm

-Weigh format: 950 g

Specifications box:

-Long 33 / Width 24,5 / Height 17,5 cm

-gross Weight: 11,5 kg

-Units by box: 12

Specifications palé:

-Long 1,2 m / Wide 0,8 m

-boxes layer: 10

-Layers palé: 7

-boxes palé: 70