Trabadina, S.L. - Codfish

Variedad Gadus Morhua

Cod desalado to the point of salt: it distributes it in his best point of salt

Picture of Cod desalado to the point of salt
Trasacar Has in his installations of high technology by means of an automatic system and computerised of the changes of water to constant temperature of 4 °C during the procedure of the desalado of the cod, with the purpose to keep always the regularity and the just point of salt and like this can taste a sabroso manjar.

Trasacar Commercialises the variety Gadus Morhua, which presents a taste and a texture laminar own of the authentic cod of the north seas.

The variety Gadus Morhua finds in the Atlantic North where the capture of the same takes place especially in spring, are migratory fishes that go in search of his places of spawn following often the big banks of malotos; a species of small salmon of the Arctic of the cual feeds the cod. They inhabit far of the coasts, in deep and cold waters and therefore, waters purer; this fish can arrive to measure 180 cm and weigh 70 kg.

The greater zones of spawn find in the north Sea, the Ocean Arctic Glacier and the Sea of Barents, that together with the Archipelago Lofoten (mountainous Islands situated in front of the Norwegian coast) are one of the greater centres of captures.

His observers, study the cod according to his colour: grey, brown, green, red... Where depending on this, indicates us no the quality, but the habitat of depth of the cod.

The best cod considered is the one who captures of form artesanal, of fishing with palangre, without drag, causing the lower possible damage to the same and appreciating thus greater quality in the table.

By all this, Trasacar achieves to do him arrive to the table of the best restaurants of the national territory, the best cod desalado in his optimum point of salt.