Costas y Miñan, S.L. - Conservas Mariscadora - Canned cockles


Cockles natural of the Rías Gallegas: in different formats

Picture of Cockles natural of the Rías Gallegas
Cockles natural in its own juice, the Galician rias.

Are available in different formats:-box 100/4 oval with 25/30 parts and cartoning F.A.

-Box 100/4 oval with 20/25 parts and cartoning F.A packing - box 100/4 oval with 30/40 pieces and cartoning F.A.

-Box 100/4 oval with 30/35 parts and cartoning F.A.

-Box 100/4 oval with 40/50 pieces and cartoning F.A.

-Box 100/4 oval with 50/60 parts and cartoning F.A.

-Box 100/4 oval with 35/45 pieces and cartoning F.A.

-12 L box cil with 300/325 parts and lithographed.

-24 L box cil 80/90 ° parts and packaging.