Conservas Islas Cíes, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Conservas Islas Cíes, S.L.
Av. Los Madroños, 22
28043 Madrid Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑913275141  
🖷:  +34‑913275233
Canning of fish and seafood

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Conservas Islas Cíes, S.L.

Canned Cies Islands is a company established in the year 2004.
In its origins, they acquired a factory in the town of Santoña (Cantabria), which have been updated with new manufacturing systems and also increased the capacity of storage of raw materials and finished product, making a major investment in facilities and equipment.
Thus began its activity, through the elaboration of anchovies in salting and semi-preserved. Leaning, in the great experience and tradition of the people of the area, specialists in the traditional preparation of this exceptional product known as the jewel of the Bay of Biscay.
This has allowed them to grow in volume and capacity providing in addition to the signing of an assortment of products, extending continuously to meet the new demands of the and last generation.
This has allowed them to grow in volume and capacity providing in addition to the signing of an assortment of products, extending continuously to meet the new demands of the market. refrigerated (+ 5 ° C) for perfect storage of all its products.

This has allowed them to grow in volume and capacity providing in addition to the signing of an assortment of products, extending continuously to meet the new demands of the market.

Currently, canned Cies Islands is booming, introducing their products nationally and exporting to the major countries of Europe, USA, Asia and United Arab Emirates.