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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La producción de miel se reduce un 70% por la escasa floración debido a la sequía

The production of honey reduces 70% by the scarce flowering because of the drought


3 July 2012

Until the past month of June, the production of honey has reduced 70% in Spain like consequence of the scarce flowering by the effects of the drought of the autumn-past winter and of the irregular and scarce rains of the spring, as well as by the extreme changes of heat and low temperatures become during the months of April, May and June. Like this it gives off of the balance realised by the sector apícola of COAG after surpassing the equator of the campaign. In normal conditions, to these heights would have to speak of some 15 million kilos of honey. However, in Andalucia, Valencian Community, Castile-La Mancha, Murcia and Aragon the harvest of honey of romero has lost practically and the one of honey of thyme and of one thousand flowers hardly is representative in the majority of the producing regions, included Extremadura and Castilla-León. The harvest of azahar has been very irregular (underneath of the 50 %) in Andalucia, Valencian Community and Murcia, because to the drought have added the frosts, reducing the expectations of initial production.
Photo: Moon calquin
Photo: Moon calquin.
In front of this difficult productive situation, COAG estimates that the Spanish beekeepers accumulate already some losses of 70 million euros, being able to describe the campaign 2012 of “dilapidated”. “The expectations of production for what remains of campaign are not at all halagüeñas. In crops like the sunflower the surface has reduced enough and the accumulation of beehives will hamper still more the possibilities of production of the honeys of summer (sunflower and eucalipto), whereas the production of encina, oak and forestry is very conditioned by the enormous deficit hídrico that drags from the autumn happened in numerous regions”, has aimed José Luis González, manager of the sector apícola of COAG.
To mitigate the impact of the drastic merma of the production by the climate, COAG asks to the Ministry of Agriculture and to the CC AA that set up what before the helps of the National Program Apícola (PNA), since the big majority of them still have not published his respective rules of application in spite of that Brussels demands his justification before the next 15 October, and that cofinancien the whole of this program so that they do not lose helps comunitarias by value of 1,4 million euros in the year 2012.

The Chinese honey can be the big benefited of the effects of the drought in our national production

From the year 2007, have triplicado the imports of honey “low-cost” originarias of the Asian giant, (in the year 2011, the Chinese imports reached a total of 11.330 tonnes, four years before, 3.294 tonnes). So much it is like this, that in Spain, China has ousted to Argentina like first exporting/provider of honey, fundamentally by his bajísimos prices of entrance so much in the EU as in our country, partner comunitario that matters the Chinese honey cheaper of all Europe. Besides, they suppose a disloyal competition for the Spanish beekeepers since the Chinese legislation allows the use of phytosanitary ware products, antibiotics, etc forbidden… in the EU, (to principle of the year 2000, the Chinese honey was forbidden in the EU by waste of antibiotics), as well as a continuous pressesure to the drop on the prices of our honey in origin, as they aim from COAG.

In front of this tendency, the agricultural organisation demands the harmonisation in the veterinary border controls and in the controls of the inner market of the EU, since the low quality imports, the adulterations and it sucedáneos of the honey are elements distorsionadores of the market that exert a direct pressesure on the prices and the final quality in the market comunitario, prejudicing the interests of the beekeepers and European consumers, having to guarantee the same rules of game for the producing/products of the EU and of third countries.

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