
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en El curso de Renolit Alkorplan es certificado por la institución TÜV Rheinland

The course of Renolit Alkorplan is certified by the institution TÜV Rheinland


29 June 2012

The course of learning on technicians of installation of the armed plates Renolit Alkorplan, given in the new centre of learning of Renolit Academy from 2008, incorporates like value added for his customers the official certification of the institution of auditss of quality recognised internationally TÜV Rheinland. In Germany said learning also is certified by TÜV Rheinland and in France, by the centre of learning Cifem.

The international manufacturer of plates of high quality specialised in the impermeabilización of new work and renewal of swimming pools, Renolit Alkorplan, gives these courses in his centre of learning situated in Sant Celoni (Barcelona). In this sense, Renolit Alkorplan is conscious that the estanqueidad of a swimming pool does not depend only of the membrane and of the system used, but it results necessary the experience and learning of the installers.

Welding by means of hot air
Welding by means of hot air.
In this way, Renolit Alkorplan puts to disposal of his customers courses of learning of two days of length headed to the new installers and those that want to deepen his cone. “It results impressesive, that somebody that desconocía the system of installation of armed plate –system Renolit Alkorplan -, when finalising the course, can place them with absolute hygiene, even in constructive details more precise as it can be some roman ladders”, explains the manager of Learning, Juan Luis Platero.

In the first part of the course will give theory on the characteristics of the product, the armed plate, the accessories and necessary tools, as well as technical information of termofusión (welding of hot air).

Afterwards the participants will be able to put in practical all the learnt on the technicians of installation by means of termofusión. Although the technician of installation is not complicated, to achieve a totally tight result is important to know how cut and solder the product properly. Once finalised the course successfully will deliver to the participants an Official Certificate of TÜV Rheinland.

On the other hand, Renolit Alkorplan puts to disposal of his customers a service of technical support in the work, in the case to find some complication in the installation of the armed plates, as well as telephone technical advice and on-line, available for the installers that have assisted to the course.

Renolit Alkorplan 2000 and Renolit Alkorplan 3000 constitute a reference in the market of revestimiento of swimming pools, since they guarantee the estanqueidad and provide an attractor trucks design.

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