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The company shown in Fira of Sant Josep across its wide range of products

Workshops Corbins brings many new features for the farmer

Drafting Interempresas09/03/2011

09 March 2011

Workshops Corbins thinking about the benefits of a more organic farming has designed the new useful porta Titan that can acoplár wheels mowers of 600 or 800 mm of diameter, the Sweeper of remains of pruning of 5 or 6 kit broomshydraulic Shredder kit or kit Shredder ecological hydraulic, all this is to move towards a new agriculture. It also has a wide range of products for different field work.

Among the marketed products, the company has a wide variety of hydraulic elevators. Currently it has incorporated the range of own manufacture Corbins with models Agile, Active and Visual, ideal for small tractors and medium power, System duplex with central piston, or double system side piston for greater visibility and stability of the load, with three movements: elevation, inclination and displacement, and variety in regards to height and weight to carry.

Hydraulic lift of Corbins workshops
Hydraulic lift of Corbins workshops.

Within the range of the remains of pruning for fruit alineadoras, the ilerdense company has models attached to the back of the powered tractor with the water of the same, or coupled to the front with records of 5 or 6 digits and different working widths, as well as the regulation of speed of the scanner plate.

The front double sweepers model 'Elite' for remains of vine shoots, whether or not prepodados, include regulation of the height of working independent hydraulic one side of the other, regulation of the working width also hydraulically and speed of rotation of brushes, head of floating type, working width adjustable from 1.90 to 4.80 meters (depending on the model). Optionally it can be connected screens for herbicide kit or kit Bell antideriva on two sides.

The alineadoras of the remains of pruning for branches of large diameter 'giroramas' are special for plantations of olive trees, almond trees, citrus fruits, etc.

The towed spray manufactured by this company may be in polyester (Master Top) or polyethylene high-density (Mega Top), with capacities of 1,000, 1,500, 2,000 and 3,000 litres, with a great variety of options to make a machine suitable to the needs of the userYou snagging, types of pump, kits of robots for cleaning, mixing of powder, electro-válvulas, antibrotitis, etc. treatment kits

The Inverflux model has a reverse suction fan while avoiding the reaspiración of the spraying.

The Twin model has a system of double ventilation with extraction front and rear, two fans with blades adjustable 800 for a large volume of air.

Models of spray marketed by Corbins workshops, including the new Inverflux (on the right)
Models of spray marketed by Corbins workshops, including the new Inverflux (on the right).

Corbins workshops also has a wide variety of models in hydraulic bars for 1, 2, 3 and 5 Pistons herbicide to treat a side or two sides at the same time, with the possibility of treating the Centre of the street if it is necessary togiven the large number of models available. It allows to cover different frameworks of plantation farms coming up to 7 meters, and can replace the type of screen attached to the end to deal with a conventional screen, the system strip or screens total antideriva for area with lot of wind. It also bars herbicide interfilas special for vineyards and olive trees with a few special measures.

Herbicide bar with head Twister
Herbicide bar with head Twister.

The herbicide sprayers can range with capacities from 200 to 1,500 litres with simple or chassis reinforced depending on each cuba, the variety of bombs either membrane or piston and possible to attach them simple manual barshydraulic for herbicide or the special models for cereals, as well as the wide range of accessories for an optimum work.

Machines for continuous operation coupled to the tractor are the Alpha series, as regards the equipment for pruning. The series Greenline, type truck with engine Robin or Honda (optional self-propelled version) and the Magnum series, which can be suspended or towed coupled to the tractor, but with heat storage exchanger to work with the tractor stationary.

Regarding the workshops Corbins accessories available from a variety of models of pneumatic scissors, saws, sinkers for the harvesting of olives, with their corresponding extension sets, cable reels for the hose and hand scissors of two hands. We also have the electric version as to what regards pruning scissors and sinkers for the harvesting of the olive.

To complete the range of products of this company, should be mentioned that also they have trucks most of 100 or 200 litres gasoline-powered or electric to horticulture, gardening and disinfection of farms:

  • Sprinklers line Zafir sulfur, available in 200 and 500 kg ideal for the distribution of products in powder, especially Mishraq for preventive and curative in all kinds of plantations anti-parasitic treatments.
  • Special equipment to attach to quads with 75 litres tanks and several models of rear or front bars based on your needs.

Corbins workshops with the aim of to expand day to day its range of products has been incorporated into the same marketing teams of the prestigious firm Fischer in regards to mowers of grass, with a wide variety of models and widths of work for the most demanding work.

Workshops Corbins is a Lleida company founded in 1977, which began its activity dedicated to the commercialization and repair of agricultural machinery. Eventually the company began manufacturing the first compressors and hydraulic elevators, given the needs of the market existing at the time and with the course of the years was extending the range of manufactured to have a wide variety of equipment to meet all the requirements of the various sectors of the fruit growing, vineyard, citrus fruits, almond trees, etc., with the most advanced technologies.

It also has some facilities renovated and expanded, with a technical Office to provide a quality sales and after-sales service to customers and an extensive experience in the sector of more than 30 years. Thanks to a continuous innovation and improvements in the techniques used in production, the company is in a line of expansion at the national and international levels.

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Talleres Corbins, S.L.

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