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Mecàniques Segalés exhibits at Expoaviga their new equipment to produce biogas


May 26, 2010

mecàniques segalés leads to the appointment of the Ciudad Condal last teams in production of biogas: mixers, agitators, and tabs. Among them the team stirrer 160 OMPG, specially designed for plant of biogas, which has a mouthpiece in the form of or side of the entrance, and a propeller with a diameter of 850 mm mounted on a stainless steel tube. The entry in the form of funnel allows a good suction of the dry matter. The company settled in Gurb (Barcelona), also has a full programme of submersible agitators from 2.2 to 15 kW, which is characterized by its high quality, flexibility and security. Among them, the model OMPG S, which incorporates sensor temperature and leakage, with a propeller whose dimension and form manages to hydraulicking solids deposited in the Fund and the floating with the minimum consumption.
The agitator OMPG S, specially designed for biogas plants, is one of the novelties of Mecàniques Segalés on Expoaviga
The agitator OMPG S, specially designed for biogas plants, is one of the novelties of Mecàniques Segalés on Expoaviga.
Mecániques Segalés also exhibits at the Montjuïc site teams of agitation of waste water in all its variants - fixed, mobile, for concrete pools, raft of plastic, open, covered, in the interior of the moats-; solid/liquid separators in or without ramp of prefiltraje; and management of slurry pumps: submersible, exterior, with crusher, injectors, etc.

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Mecàniques Segalés, S.L.

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