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Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en La influencia de la ganadería española en el cambio climático es la mitad de lo que fija la Fao

The influence of Spanish livestock in climate change is half of what sets the Fao


September 17, 2009

A study presented in the framework of the Feria Ganadera de Lorca (sepor) shows that the impact of Spanish livestock in climate change is limited to half of the emissions of CO2, which establishes the Fao at the global level. The director-general of interalimentario Forum, José Ignacio Arranz, justified the reasons that led to the realization of this analysis: "The need for a rigorous and real data on the situation and leave the passage of messages against the consumption of meat hidden in a supposed defense of the environment". During his speech, Arranz highlighted some data of interest to attendees of the event, such as the distribution of the livestock sectors. Thus, the pig industry has 90% of the census in intensive farming; While 80% of the Census of sheepmeat and goatmeat is in extensive farms, except what is dedicated to the production of milk.

The spokesman for the Interalimentario Forum also emphasized that, compared with sectors, the farmer emits 2.7 times less than the transport, 1.7 times less than the manufacturing industry and 2.9 times less than the energy sector. "A" Despite the good results can not be complacent and the own study suggests actions that would make it possible to reduce still further those emissions into the atmosphere. For example, a greater information and awareness of the livestock that already applies methods which are reflected in "the outcome of the study", stressed Arranz.

In General, the economic impact of Spanish livestock represents 35% of final agricultural production, while its contribution to GDP is 2%. Spain is the second European meat producer and the seventh of milk, according to the analysis. Other data refer to the livestock sector as responsible for 9,26% of emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, while the rest of the world rise to 18 per cent.

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