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Workshops Corbins traveled to Fima 2008 with new features for all types of crops

About quad for treatment of herbicide sprayers

Drafting Interempresas22/01/2008

January 21, 2008

The Lleida company Workshops Corbins exhibits at Fima 2008 its new products, among which stands out the range of sulphur Zafir espolvoreadores, sprayers on quad for treatment of herbicide and a model of tamping of remains of frontal pruning for fruit trees.

Corbins workshops presents at the fair of espolvoreadores of sulphur Zafir, with a capacity of 200 and 500 kilos of cargo. Designed with chassis in cut sheet laser of great robustness, multiplier group with pine nuts and oil bath with centrifugal turbine of large flow of air and optimum performance, these espolvoreadores integrated deposit in reinforced polyethylene, filling mouth tilted to facilitate filling and adjustable dispenser with command to the tractor, in addition to gates for opening and closing on both sides. The transmission is provided with protection and they have different types of outputs and accessories can be adapted according to the type of plantations, fruit trees and vineyards.

Also with sprayers for treatment of herbicide, electric pump with 75 liters polyethylene tank, mounted on the rear grille of the quad. In addition, it has manual pressure regulator and valves of two or three sections. Various types of bars of herbicide (bars manual for one or two sides, optional with strip, or Bell antideriva to one side,) or manual rear 3.50, 4.50 or 6 m bars can be added to complete the team. The company also has models towed for quad of 200 litres, with electric pump or motor gasoline pump.

For the pruning of fruit trees

Finally, workshops Corbins discusses stand one alineadora remains of frontal pruning for fruit trees, which provides the hydraulic working height adjustment, hoses with quick couplings to the tractor and the brush rotation speed regulator. In addition, has head Sweeper of floating type, regulation of the width of manual labour or hydraulics according to models and discs with 5 fixed fingers of nylon or rubber blades (optionally adjustable or 6 toes discs). There are different models with different working widths: 1.20 to 1.50 metres; 1.40 to 1.80 metres and 1.60 to 2.10 meters, depending on the frames of plantation.

Spray for treatment of herbicide, mounted on a quad
Spray for treatment of herbicide, mounted on a quad.

Related Companies or Entities

Talleres Corbins, S.L.

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