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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a José Luis Urquijo, presidente de Feagas
“Spain is one of the countries with greater number of races of livestock”

Interview to José Luis Urquijo, president of Feagas

Irene Relda20/12/2013

Yes, with a total of 185, ours is one of the countries with greater number of races of livestock, 80% of which belongs to the group of autochthonous races. However, in spite of the importance of the sector, almost all these races, 80%, are in danger of extinction. To defend his interests here and in the outside, the sector explains from 1982 with the support of the Spanish Federation of Associations of Livestock Selecto (Feagas). José Luis Urquijo, president of the organisation, exposes in this interview the main lines of performance of the federation and explains the challenges to which confront today the graziers of races selectas.

José Luis Urquijo, president of Feagas
José Luis Urquijo, president of Feagas.

Which situation live today the graziers of livestock selecto in our country?

Our graziers cross a very delicate situation, from an economic point of view and, therefore, of survival. The raw materials have gone up in the last years much more that the price in the market of the products that these generate, while the helps of the Public Administrations have gone down an important percentage, to consequence of the economic crisis general that suffers our country.

Also they will see affected by the situation the graziers of pure races…

Is necessary to stand out that the livestock selecto, in the majority of the cases, because of his high genetic value, has an upper available price to the of the livestock of production, however, also is necessary to think that his child carries rigged a series of controls that also put up the price of it a lot. Thus, moments like which lives at present in Spain affect also a lot to our sector.

Why it is so important to have a livestock selecto?

Is important that any country have a strong sector in relation to the livestock selecto, because it treats of the essential tool of the livestock, and of him depend, to a large extent, other sectors, as the one of the production, among others. Therefore, the sector of the pure races is crucial. In some cases, for the maintenance of the biodiversity, acting like key element in the active conservation of the same and making possible the conservation in situ of our resources zoogenéticos, in addition to a form to be able to measure of a tangible form his evolution. In others, the livestock selecto is decisive to be able to reach the high heights of production of the sector of the livestock of production, contributing significantly to the feasibility of the economy of the exploitations graziers. Thus, it is fundamental that the consumer and the society in general, know the value of the pure races of livestock.


And which is his value?

Between other things, help to develop, to use of sustainable form and to conserve the half rural and his ecosystems, and to generate products of quality with concrete characteristics, adapted to territories and handle specific. Besides, they contribute to the maintenance of the population in rural zones, avoiding his desertisation and the emigration to urban areas; they are generadoras of wealth and employment, in a lot of occasions in zones depressesed, where his specific weight is very high; and they are compatible with the agricultural sector, the rural tourism, the catering and the traditions artesanales in what at present it designates agricultural functionality.

Which are the types of livestock selecto more representative of our country?

Because of the big variety and quality of races of existent livestock in Spain, is complicated to do quotation to one or miscellaneous in concrete. It is necessary to take into account that Spain is one of the countries with greater number of races of livestock officially recognised, and all they, by one or another reason, are extremely important.

It thinks that the cooperation between graziers and the fact to associate can favour that the primary sector was not so vulnerable in front of the rest of links of the chain of commercialisation?

Would be unthinkable nowadays the subsistence of a grazier without being inside an association that advise him. In fact, it is here where resides, especially of face to the future, the fact that our success was a lot of elder. In a European context is increasingly complicated to be competitive and can develop the work to average and big scale, without forming part of structures.


What can say us of the work of the organisations of criadores?

Has been very important and indispensable because of the characterisation fenotípica and genetic of our animal populations, of his productive characteristics, of his systems of child, as well as by the development of channels that favour and put in value the productions of these animal populations and his systems of handle and child. Many of the attainments achieved in matter of genetic improvement in our races had been unthinkable to have not had the work of these organisations.

A lot of graziers complain that, given the current situation of crisis, today is not profitable to keep his exploitations. It occurs also with the graziers of animals selectos?

Basically yes, since, as I have signalled before, although the economic value of an animal selecto was greater that the one of one of production, to be able to carry out said selection and improvement is necessary to develop a series of controls that have a very high cost.

It exists danger of extinction of any of our races?

Of course. It is necessary to take into account that, of the 185 races of present livestock in the actuality in the Official Catalogue of Livestock of Spain, 80%, roughly, belongs to the group of autochthonous races. Well, to his time, is necessary to signal that, roughly, 80% of this group finds in these moments in danger of extinction, and some of them in grave danger of extinction, as it could be the case of the variety of Marked of Jabugo, in the Iberian pig, or Blanca Cacereña, in beef.

Which paper exerts today the R&D in this sector?

The R&D exerts a decisive paper, since the races that crían in Spain, pertaining or no to the group of the autochthonous races, in a world increasingly globalizado, have to compete with the genetics that arrives us or that child in other countries. Therefore, it is fundamental that follow investing, increasingly, in something that no only benefits us to the sector of the pure races, but to all the sector in general, as his productions depend on the levels reached by our livestock.


And the genetic improvement?

Is, by like this say it, our signal of identity, habida explains that behind each race of livestock selecto exists a program of genetic improvement set up, or, at least, a program of conservation, if it treats of a race in danger of extinction.

Which image thinks that enjoy our livestock and his derivatives in the outside?

Our livestock, in general, is very appreciated in the outside. Proof of this are all the commercial visits that receive we and our organisations member along the year, and the new markets that are opening in other countries, by the increase of the demand of genetic material or of alive animals selectos of our races.

And of which way supports his federation the internationalisation of the sector?

Between other actions, Feagas, in collaboration with the University of Córdoba, has set up a study for the internationalisation of the commercial activity of the Spanish Associations of Criadores of Livestock of Pure Race, to work jointly of the best possible way in opening markets in the outside and in the set up of concrete performances. Well by the high productions, well by the productions of quality, well by the rusticity of some of our autochthonous races more improved, etc., our races of livestock are increasingly appreciated, sued and requested, especially, from third countries.

On Feagas

The Spanish Federation of Associations of Livestock Selecto (Feagas) is a Non-profit organisation that constituted on 15 May 1982 by the National Associations of Criadores of Livestock Selecto, entities collaborators of the then Ministry of Agriculture, Fishing and Feeding (at present Ministry of Agriculture, Feeding and Environingingment), for the llevanza and management of the genealogical books of the Spanish livestock. Organisations that, from the year 1987, were recognised officially like Associations of Pure Race in the transposition that carried out of the rule of the Union to the juridical legislation Spanish.

Later, Feagas was recognised by the Ministry, in accordance with the Ministerial order of 26 June 1992, by which regulates the representation of the Organisations or Associations of Pure Race in front of the official organisms, according to Resolution of the General Office of Productions and Agricultural Markets of date 29 October 1992.

In the actuality, Feagas groups to 94 Organisations of Pure Race of the Cabin Spanish Grazier, that means more than 95% of those recognised officially by the Magrama.

From his foundation, Feagas has the Presidency and General Office of the European Union of Associations of Livestock Selecto (Unegas), that integrates to Organisations of Criadores of Pure Race of France, Portugal and Spain. From 1993, Feagas participates, like representative of the Sector of the Livestock of Pure Race of Spain, in the Group of Selection and Animal Reproduction of the Glass-Cogeca, in the frame of the Agricultural Organisations of the European Union, and in other groups of relative work to the improvement and to the selection of the livestock in Europe. Besides, from 1998, Feagas exerts the charge of Permanent General Office of the Federation Iberoamericana of Creole Races (Firc), that gathers to the Organisations of the geographic area Iberoamericana and of Spain, devoted to the preservation and genetic improvement of the livestock criolllo and autochthonous of the Cabin Grazier of Latin America.

The objective

  • The representation, management and defence of the own interests of the Associations that integrate it, so much in Spain as in the outside.
  • The collaboration with the public powers in all the related with the genetics, selection and animal improvement, genealogical books, health, investigations graziers applied, exports and imports of animals of Pure Race, contests and exhibitions of livestock, and rural development.
  • The support to the public Administrations and Organisations of Criadores of Pure Race for the development of the Programs of Genetic Improvement of the Races of Promotion and the Programs of Preservation and/or Conservation of the Races in danger of Extinction.
  • The coordination and, in his case, organisation of the Contests Graziers, with national and international field (contests, exhibitions and auctions) that participate the livestock Spanish.
  • The promotion of the livestock Spanish of Pure Race with the publication of catalogues, books, magazines and audiovisual means.
  • The organisation of congresses, courses and days on the livestock of Spain.

Related Companies or Entities

Federación Española de Asociaciones de Ganado Selecto

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