Iberfluid Instruments, S.A. - Flexible pipes and hosepipes


Tubes traceados

Picture of Tubes traceados
Systems of poli-tubes encamisados and pre-traceados for transport of sample with temperature controlled, for analysers of process and gases, of application in the petrochemical industry, generation of power, environingingmental control, etc.

•Protection against freezings.

•Complete packages of thermal sensors protection for instrumentation including cabinets calefactados for instruments.

•Design of tubes preaislados for distribution of steam.

•Only design of parallel tubes to avoid restrictions, with a minimum irradiate of curvature of 200 mm for all the sizes.

•Traceados Electrical of constant power and variable, according to need, and with approval ATEX.

•Versions for analytical with internal finishings pasivados, electopulidos with coating of silica, etc.

These tubes are ideal for his application in: pharmacy, chemical, feeding, thermal sensors generation and laboratories (R&D).