Edarma, S.L. - Waste water treatment equipment


Treatment for waste water: by means of the agitation, circulation and aireación of liquid means

Picture of Treatment for waste water
The technical Oloid of Edarma employs to agitate, circulate and air liquid means, for the treatment and recycling of waste water. It uses in debuggers, natural lagoons, lakes or aquariums and is effective even for waste water with high content in fats in the alimentary industry.

This technician creates a current oriented, to the time that produces rhythmical impulses by means of a body, that gives origin to a type of agitation very special. This technician does not damage the half, generates a high circulation and uses less power. These equipment install with floats in the surface or like stirrers sumergibles by means of a special support.

His more common applications are for the treatment of leached of compost and superficial waters, water of drainage of sanitary ware fillings or reservorios of storage of waste water of different industries. His use avoids bad smells, sedimentación in the reservorios, etc. and allows to obtain a greater oxigenación of the water and an efficient circulation.

Other advantages are the reduction of the values of DQO and DBO5, the elimination of strong smells, the reduction of costs and the elimination of the sedimentación in pozos of temporary storage of waters.

Likewise, they prevent also the growth of lentils of water and floating layers.

Specifically, they use in natural lagoons, so much aired as no, lagoons of denitrification and of the biological treatment of the phosphorus, etc. In the natural lagoons gives the problem of fault of oxygen, in addition to a bad administration of the same. With the use of the technical Oloid achieves distribute widely the oxygen entered and delete anaerobic dead zones, among others.

By his part, in lakes of denitrification, present problems like the learning of floating slimes, with a high indice of slimes and indisponibilidad or sobredimensionamiento of systems of circulation. Like this, the system Oloid improves the sedimentación of the slime activated, deletes the floating slimes and achieves a good homogenisation with a small energetic density. Besides, can use in lagoons of little depth.